REVH03 | REVH04 | REVH06 | REVH07 | REVH10 | REVH11 | REVH12 | REVH13 | REVH14 | REVH15 | REVH16 | REVH21 | REVH22 | REVH24 | REVH25 | REVH26 | REVH27 | REVH29 | REVH30 | REVH31 | REVH32
REVH03 | hub-id Database dbid [ - nuc-id ] has registered. |
Explanation |
When a database nucleus initializes, the nucleus sends a call to the hub specified on the ADARUN parameter REVIEW to determine whether an Adabas Review hub is active. When it receives the call, the Adabas Review hub displays this message identifying the DBID of the database nucleus. If the database nucleus is a member of an Adabas Parallel Services or Adabas Cluster Services cluster, then the corresponding nucleus ID is also displayed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH04 | hub-id Client Monitoring jobname has registered. |
Explanation |
When client reporting initializes, the nucleus sends a call to the hub specified on the ADARUN parameter REVIEW to determine whether an Adabas Review hub is active. When it receives the call, the Adabas Review hub displays this message identifying the job name of the client nucleus. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH06 | hub-id Database {dbid|nucid} has checked out. |
Explanation |
When a database nucleus is closing, the nucleus calls the hub identified on the ADARUN REVIEW parameter. When it receives the call, the hub displays this message identifying the DBID of the database nucleus. If the database nucleus is a member of an Adabas Parallel Services or Adabas Cluster Services cluster, then the corresponding nucleus ID is also displayed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH07 | hub-id Database dbid no longer registered. |
Explanation |
The specified database nucleus was deleted from the hub's registered client list. |
Action |
None required. This is for your information only. |
REVH10 | hub-id Database dbid was sent a message. |
Explanation |
When there is a change in the monitoring or reporting status of a database nucleus by Adabas Review, the hub sends a notification to the client nucleus. This message is displayed when the notification is sent to the client nucleus. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH11 | hub-id { NO |
count } started
reports. hub-id { NO | count } reports requiring buffers. |
Explanation |
These messages are displayed in conjunction with the REVH10 message and indicate the status of information transmitted to the database nucleus by the hub. count indicates the number of started reports and/or the number of reports requiring buffers. |
Action |
None required. This message is for your information only. |
REVH12 | hub-id Outbound message to database {dbid|nucid} received RSP rsp/subcode |
Explanation |
This message is displayed at the completion of a notification call to a database nucleus identified by the database ID (dbid) or nucleus ID (nucid) given in the message. In cluster environments, a nucleus ID is listed; in all other environments, a database ID is listed. A response code of zero indicates that the message was successfully received. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH13 | hubid Dbid Nucid
Last-act Rpts Buffers Log-records hubid dbid nucid last-act-time globrpts/dbrpts buffers log-recs hubid CL jobname last-act-time clientrpts/dbrpts ------- log-recs |
Explanation |
This message is displayed in response to the DCLIENT operator command. A title that reads " hubid Dbid Nucid Last-act Rpts Buffers Log-records" appears as the first REVH13 message. Thereafter, the following information is supplied under the corresponding column titles for each client nucleus registered with the hub:
The last line of the message lists the number of client reports running in the hub. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH14 | hub-id Client dbid is not registered. |
Explanation |
This message is displayed in response to an operator command that requested a service for a nonexistent client nucleus. The requested client nucleus could not be found in the hub's registered client list. |
Action |
Ensure that the correct client nucleus ID is properly specified and reenter the operator command. |
REVH15 | hub-id No databases registered. |
Explanation |
An operator command requested a service or status and there are no database nuclei presently listed in the hub's registration list. |
Action |
None required. This is for your information only. |
REVH16 | hub-id The REVIEW Hub is not running APF authorized. |
Explanation |
To use the Trans-port feature of the Adabas Review hub under z/OS, the load library needs to be APF-authorized. |
Action |
APF-authorize the load library if you want to use the Trans-port feature. |
REVH21 | hub-id A database register attempt failed due to missing DBID value. |
Explanation |
The hub received a call from an unknown database. The hub ignores the request. |
Action |
None required. This is for your information only. |
REVH22 | hub-id Insufficient space to register database dbid. |
Explanation |
The hub was unable to insert a new database into its registration list. The client is given a non-zero response to prevent further communication. The hub continues processing and the registration of the new client is ignored. |
Action |
Enter a DCLIENT=ALL operator command and review the list of clients. If there is a possibility of deleting a non-active client, then enter the STOPCLIENT=dbid operator command to stop the client from sending data, followed by a DELCLIENT=dbid to release the space in the registration list. To initiate the registration of the previously rejected client, start an Adabas Review report for that client. |
REVH24 | hub-id REVIEW nucleus terminated. REVIEW hub aborting. |
Explanation |
The Adabas Review nucleus terminated abnormally. The hub can no longer process Adabas Review data and will terminate. |
Action |
Check all messages from Adabas Review to determine the cause of the abnormal termination of the Adabas Review nucleus. Correct the problem and restart Adabas Review. |
REVH25 | hub-id REVIEW buffer shortage. |
Explanation |
The hub incurred a shortage of the REVIEW buffer. The value for the available storage can be determined by the BUFFMB parameter of the INPUT statement |
Action |
See the Adabas Review User documentation. |
REVH26 | hubid Handshake command for database {dbid|nucid} issued UBRSP=ubrsp |
Explanation |
For diagnostic purposes, a handshake trace from the Adabas Review hub to the databases is activated. The Adabas Review hub issues a handshake command to a database because a report for this database is started, changed, or stopped. When the Adabas Review hub is brought down via ADAEND, the handshake command for the databases is also issued. UBRSP=8 indicates that the command is immediately complete and a 16-call is not required. UBRSP=4 indicates that the call is not complete and a 16-call is required. Either a database ID (dbid) or nucleus ID (nucid) is given in the message. In cluster environments, a nucleus ID is listed; in all other environments, a database ID is listed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH27 | hubid Handshake command
for database {dbid|nucid} has
completed hubid RSP=acbrsp/acbsubcode, ACBRSP=acbrsp |
Explanation |
For diagnostic purposes, a handshake trace from the Adabas Review hub to the databases is activated. An Adabas X'1C' call with UB was sent to a database by the Adabas Review hub and message REVH26 was issued. A 16-call was issued (if required) and the command completed with the indicated response code and subcode. Note: Either a database ID (dbid) or nucleus ID (nucid) is given in the message. In cluster environments, a nucleus ID is listed; in all other environments, a database ID is listed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
REVH29 | hubid No UB available for command to database dbid |
Explanation |
There are not sufficient user blocks to add or communicate with a new database. The Adabas Review hub abends. |
Action |
This may be a transient condition if the hub is servicing many clients in a very busy system. Issue the STARTCLIENT operator command to reinitiate handshaking. If this does not resolve the error, try decreasing the number of clients or increasing the number of user blocks. The number of user blocks can be increased by an optional zap which increases the value HUBMXCL is increased. For more information, or if this does not resolved the error, contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
REVH30 | hubid Logic error completing command to database dbid |
Explanation |
A command sent from the hub to a client was thought to be complete, but the 16-call did not mark it as complete. This is normally a logic error, but it might also occur during hub termination if the client was unresponsive.. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative if this does not relate to an unresponsive client during hub termination. |
REVH31 | hubid Invalid storage key x |
Explanation |
The Adabas Review hub can only run in storage key 0 or 8. |
Action |
Start the Adabas Review hub again under storage key 0 or storage key 8. |
REVH32 | hubid Error initializing zIIP environment – Error Code: xx |
Explanation |
During initialization of the zIIP environment an error has occurred. |
Action |
Restart the Adabas Review hub with |