Each of the messages in this section starts with the relevant database ID.
ADAAAA | Auditing 64-bit GETMAIN failed |
Explanation |
Getmain for Auditing area failed or there was insufficient storage available. |
Action |
Rectify the Getmain problem and rerun the job. |
ADAAAB | Auditing GETMAIN failed Requested nn,nnn,nnn,nnn bytes acquired xx,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes |
Explanation |
Getmain for Auditing area failed or there was insufficient storage available. Requested and acquired values are given. |
Action |
Rectify the Getmain problem and rerun the job. |
ADAAAC | LAP value is too small; minimum is 100,000 |
Explanation |
The LAP value must be at least 100,000. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAAAD | Auditing pool usage {increased|decreased} to {more|less} than number % |
Explanation |
These messages begin when auditing pool usage first exceeds the value of ADARUN parameter GAPWARNPERCENT. Further messages appear at usage intervals specified by ADARUN parameter GAPWARNINCREMENT. |
Action |
If the usage is not anticipated, you may want to adjust ADARUN parameter LAPL to increase the size of the auditing pool. Adjust ADARUN parameters GAPWARNPERCENT and GAPWARNINCREMENT to control when warning messages are issued. |
ADAAAE | Starting auditing pool warning suppression number auditing pool warning suppression |
Explanation |
A number of ADAAAD messages warning of an auditing pool shortage have been issued. In order to avoid flooding the console, additional messages are suppressed for a period after a threshold is reached. When the suppression period has expired, the Auditing Server will display the number of suppressed message lines and then start printing auditing pool usage warning messages again. The number of messages issued before suppression is specified by ADARUN parameter GAPWARNMESSAGELIMIT. The suppression interval is specified by ADARUN parameter GAPWARNINTERVAL. |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. If needed, adjust the ADARUN parameters GAPWARNMESSAGELIMIT and GAPWARNINTERVAL to control message traffic. |
ADAAAF | Adabas auditing pool is full Failed to allocate xx,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes for |
Explanation |
There was not enough free storage in the Auditing pool to satisfy a request. |
Action |
Execution continues. Increasing the value of the LAP parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAAAG | AUDITING=YES may not be specified for an Auditing Server |
Explanation |
Conflicting parameters – AUDITING=YES is not allowed for an Auditing Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA0A | Unexpected response code rc / rp when reading auditing file with command cc |
Explanation |
An error occurred while attempting to read the Auditing server system file. The command return code (rc), response code (rp) and command code (cc) are given in the message. |
Action |
Review the response code to determine why the Auditing server system file could not be read. Then take appropriate actions to correct the error. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA0B | Disconnected from database dbid
Disconnected from database dbid nucleus nucid |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server has disconnected from the database or nucleus listed in the message. This message normally follows message ADAA0J and indicates that all auditing data for the database has been processed when the Auditing Server was terminated by ADAEND. If the Auditing Server has been terminated via a HALT request, there is no guarantee that all data has been processed. The first instance of this message occurs when the Auditing Server has disconnected from a noncluster Adabas nucleus. The second instance of this message occurs when the Auditing Server has disconnected from an Adabas cluster nucleus (for example, an Adabas Cluster Services or an Adabas Parallel Services nucleus). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA0D | Database dbid not present |
Explanation |
The nucleus listed in the message is not currently active. |
Action |
Start the database. |
ADAA0E | Waiting for pending auditing data to complete |
Explanation |
ADAEND has been issued to the Auditing Server with auditing data still in progress. |
Action |
The Auditing Server will terminate only after all the auditing data that are still in progress have completed. |
ADAA0F | Database dbid is running without auditing enabled
Suspending communication with database dbid OR Database dbid is running with auditing enabled but no data is being sent to this auditing server Suspending communication with database dbid |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server attempted to communicate with a database defined via a subscription but found the database is running with an AUDITING=NO setting, or has AUDITING=YES, however, no data is sent to this Auditing Server. Communication is suspended between the Auditing Server and the database. |
Action |
Execution continues. No auditing will occur for the database and this Auditing Server. |
ADAA0G | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS A connection will be attempted with database dbid |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the AUDCONNECT operator command (issued to an Auditing Server). The message is printed for each Adabas database for which the Auditing Server attempts a connection. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA0H | Disconnect failed with response rrr/sss from database
dbid from database dbid nucleus nucid |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server attempted to disconnect from the database listed in the message, but received the response code and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message during the attempt. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA0I | Connect to database dbid failed with response code rrr/sss |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server attempted to connect from the database listed in the message, but received the response code and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message during the attempt. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA0J | Disconnecting from database dbid Disconnecting from database dbid nucleus nucid |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server is in the process of disconnecting from the database or nucleus listed in the message. The first instance of this message occurs when the Auditing Server is disconnecting from a noncluster Adabas nucleus. The second instance of this message occurs when the Auditing Server is disconnecting from an Adabas cluster nucleus (for example, an Adabas Cluster Services or an Adabas Parallel Services nucleus). In this second instance, the Adabas cluster itself ensures that all nuclei in the cluster are informed about the Auditing Server disconnecting. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA0K | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS statistics: |
Explanation |
This message is displayed in response to the operator command DAUDSTAT. It shows the auditing-related statistics for a database. |
Action |
No action necessary for this informational message. |
ADAA0L | Unexpected error rc encountered while referencing DATA storage RABN xx,xxx,xxx,xxx |
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred related to the data storage RABN listed in the message. |
Action |
Identify and fix the problem from the response code (rc) and data storage RABN listed in the message or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA0M | Insufficient WORK pool space available. Increase LWP. |
Explanation |
There was insufficient work pool space available to the Auditing Server. |
Action |
Increase the setting of the ADARUN LWP parameter for the Auditing Server. Then stop and restart the Auditing Server. |
ADAA0N | Warning: One or more destinations defined with SLOG allowed but the SLOG system file is not loaded |
Explanation |
You have specified ‘SLOG allowed=YES’ for the SYSALA destination definition, but an SLOG file has not been defined to the Auditing Server for Adabas. |
Action |
Determine if ‘SLOG allowed=YES’ is required and, if so, define a SLOG file to the Auditing Server. |
ADAA0O | UTIONLY=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
UTIONLY=YES is not allowed for an Auditing Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA0P | Data read in SLOG for destination xxxxxxxx with logging not allowed |
Explanation |
SLOG data has been found for the destination listed in the message, which now has ‘SLOG allowed=NO’ set. This implies that at some point in the past, ‘SLOG allowed=YES’ was set and was subsequently changed. Be aware that this message indicates that previously logged data is now lost. |
Action |
If logging should not be active for the destination, this can be ignored. However, if it should be active, determine why the configuration was changed. |
ADAA0Q | Data read in SLOG for destination xxxxxxxx which is not defined |
Explanation |
SLOG initialization processing has encountered data on the SLOG system file for the destination listed in the message. However, the destination is not defined in the current configuration. All SLOG data related to the destination will be deleted. |
Action |
If the destination should be defined, determine why it was omitted from the configuration. |
ADAA0R | SLOG initialization completed successfully |
Explanation |
SLOG initialization processing completed successfully. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA0Y | SLOG disabled for destination xxxxxxxx |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus has been disabled for the listed destination. This may occur when SLOG processing of the database-related input transactions is suspended and a subsequent error occurred while attempting to delete the transactions from the SLOG system file. |
Action |
Review earlier messages to determine the cause of the problem. |
ADAA0Z | An unexpected error occured in SLOG repeated processing message text response code xxxxx / reason code xxxxx | ||||||||||||||
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred during SLOG processing. The details of the error are provided in the second line of the message, as described in the following table. The response code and reason code are also provided in the message.
Action |
Investigate the response and reason codes to determine the cause of the problem and correct it. If you get the "Workpool storage request failed for CQE" message text, verify that sufficient storage is available for Auditing Server initialization. |
ADAA00 | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Auditing definitions: |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the DAUDPARM operator command. The Auditing definitions for this Adabas are printed. |
Action |
No action necessary for this informational message. |
ADAA01 | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS No connection attempts will be made as a result of the AUDCONNECT request |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the AUDCONNECT operator command (issued to an Auditing Server). The message is printed when no connection attempts will be made as a result of the AUDCONNECT operator command. |
Action |
Analyze the AUDCONNECT operator command you issued for invalid Adabas database IDs that might have been specified. |
ADAA04 | DTP=TM or DTP=RM not allowed |
Explanation |
DTP=TM or DTP=RM is not allowed for an Auditing Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA06 | MODE=SINGLE not allowed |
Explanation |
MODE=SINGLE is not allowed for an Auditing Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA09 | READONLY=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
READONLY=YES is not allowed for an Auditing Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA10 | Destination dddddddd already closed |
Explanation |
An attempt to close a destination dddddddd was performed. The destination was already closed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA11 | Destination dddddddd already open |
Explanation |
An attempt to open a destination dddddddd was performed. The destination was already open. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA13 | Destination dddddddd deactivated/activated due to request from ADADBS or AOS |
Explanation |
An action listed was performed for destination dddddddd, due to the request from ADADBS/AOS. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA14 | Destination dddddddd deactivated due to Analytics pool
full Request from ADADBS Request from AOS SLOG related error SLOG file full |
Explanation |
The destination listed in the message (dddddddd) was deactivated, due to the reason specified. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA15 | Subscription ssssssss
deactivated due to deactivation of last destination request from ADADBS request from AOS error in subscription processing |
Explanation |
The subscription listed in the message (ssssssss) was deactivated, due to the reason specified. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA16 | Subscription ssssssss activated due to request from ADADBS or AOS |
Explanation |
The subscription listed in the message (ssssssss) was activated, due to the reason specified. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA17 | All output subtasks could not be initialized |
Explanation |
One or more Auditing Server subtasks could not be started successfully. One possible reason for this might be that the default subtask wait time is insufficient for your system. Reference SYSALA Global Definitions, for "Subtask Activation Wait Time" to increase the parameter if needed. |
Action |
Investigate the reason why this failed or any additional messages, to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA18 | Unable to acquire a UQE for subscription
ssssssss Response code rc, subcode sc |
Explanation |
A UQE is required for processing subscription ssssssss. A User Queue Element is used to store pointers to the internal format buffers and other information and could not be acquired. The response code (rc) and subcode (sc) are given in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA19 | SLOG cleanup process {starting|aborted|completed|halted} |
Explanation |
The SLOG cleanup process status message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1A | STP=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
STP=YES is an invalid parameter setting. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA1B | REPLICATION=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
REPLICATION=YES is an invalid parameter setting. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA1D | NT value is too small; minimum is 15 |
Explanation |
The NT value must be at least 15. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA1E | LU value is too small; minimum is 167,000 |
Explanation |
The LU value must be at least 167,000. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA1F | NAB value is too small; minimum is 41 |
Explanation |
The NAB value must be at least 41. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAA1G | Local|Remote ADAvrm/ALAvrm database dbid has
connected Local|Remote ADAvrm/ALAvrm database dbid/nucid has connected |
Explanation |
The nucleus has connected to the Auditing Server. The DBID or DBID-nucleus ID (dbid/nucid) combination as well as the Adabas and the Auditing for Adabas versions (ADAvrm/ALAvrm) are shown in the message. In addition, the database is identified as a local or a remote database in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1H | The version of module ADAASP is incompatible with module ADAASF |
Explanation |
The Auditing server, has determined the module ADAASP is incompatible with ADAASF. |
Action |
Ensure that all recent updates have been applied and that the load module versions in use are as delivered by Software AG. Investigate, correct the problem and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
ADAA1I | Rejecting connection from Adabas database
dbid The Adabas nucleus is running with ADAvrs/ALAvrs |
Explanation |
The Adabas or Auditing for Adabas version running in the Adabas nucleus is incompatible with the Adabas or Auditing for Adabas version running in the Auditing Server nucleus. The software level in the Auditing Server must be greater than or equal to the software level in the source nucleus. |
Action |
Analyze the use of the Adabas and Auditing Server nucleuses to determine which versions should be used on each. Then update the software as appropriate. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAA1J | One or more errors occurred processing the auditing definitions. See the auditing server output for further information about the errors |
Explanation |
During session startup, one or more errors were found in the auditing definitions. |
Action |
Examine the Auditing server output for the error information, make the necessary corrections, and rerun the job. |
ADAA1K | Unexpected return code X'xxxxxxxx' set by auditing parameter processing |
Explanation |
An error occurred while attempting to process auditing parameters. The return code is given in the message. |
Action |
Review the return code to determine why the error occurred. Then take appropriate actions to correct the error. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA1L | Destination dddddddd is unavailable |
Explanation |
The destination name dddddddd is not available. |
Action |
Ensure the destination is correctly defined and assigned. |
ADAA1M | Error rrr/sss occurred initializing messages |
Explanation |
The Auditing Server initializing messages process has failed with Adabas response code and subcode (rrr/sss) given in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA1N | Destination dddddddd will not be opened |
Explanation |
The destination identified in the message (dddddddd) will not be opened. The destination was either defined with SYSALA Destination parameter "Open at Startup = N" or "Open at Startup = G" and the SYSALA Global Definitions parameter "Open at Start = NO". |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1O | Database dbid has disconnected Database dbid / nucid has disconnected |
Explanation |
The nucleus has disconnected from the Auditing Server. The DBID or DBID-nucleus ID combination is shown in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1P | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Destination
ddddddddnot found YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Subscription ssssssss not found |
Explanation |
An operator command DAUDPARM was issued, and the listed destination or subscription was not found. This error is produced because a resource name specified in the command was not valid. The invalid resource name (Destination dddddddd or Subscription ssssssss) are given in the message. |
Action |
Review and correct the command specifications and then rerun it. |
ADAA1Q | SLOG turned on for destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
SLOG processing has been turned on for the destination listed in the message (dddddddd). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1R | SLOG turned off for destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
SLOG processing has been turned off for the destination listed in the message (dddddddd). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1S | Destination dddddddd open failed Destination dddddddd opened on some tasks Destination dddddddd opened on all tasks |
Explanation |
An open request was either successful, partially successful, or failed for the destination listed in the message (dddddddd). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message if successful. If there was any type of failure, investigate any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA1T | Destination dddddddd close failed Destination dddddddd closed on some tasks Destination dddddddd closed on all tasks |
Explanation |
A close request was either successful, partially successful, or failed for the destination listed in the message (dddddddd). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message if successful. If there was any type of failure, investigate any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA1U | nnn output subtasks have been detached |
Explanation |
During the Auditing Server shutdown processing, nnn output subtasks were detached. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1V | Subtask nnn detach error eee occurred |
Explanation |
An error occurred while an Auditing Server output subtask was being detached. The subtask number (nnn) and the error number (eee) are given in the message. |
Action |
Auditing Server termination continues. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support for assistance. |
ADAA1W | Waiting for the termination of auditing server output subtasks |
Explanation |
The termination of the output subtasks is in progress. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1X | nnn output subtasks to be attached |
Explanation |
This message indicates the number nnn of subtasks that will be attached. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1Y | Automated reopen has been terminated for destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
An attempt to close a destination definition occurred for which pending open retries are still outstanding. The pending open retries are dropped. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA1Z | Close request xxxxxxxx for destination dddddddd Open request xxxxxxxx for destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
A Close/Open request, for a destination dddddddd , has an action xxxxxxxx of received, rejected or invalid. |
Action |
If the Close/Open request failed, review associated messages to determine why it failed; then correct the problem if needed. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA2A | xx,xxx,xxx,xxx items deleted for destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
The number of transactions deleted from the SLOG file during cleanup processes for the destination dddddddd. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA2B | Unexpected error xxx encountered while referencing DATA storage RABN xx,xxx,xxx,xxx |
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred related to the data storage RABN listed in the message. |
Action |
Identify and fix the problem from the response code and data storage RABN listed in the message or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2C | Rejecting connection from Adabas database xxxxx due to GETMAIN failure rc sc |
Explanation |
A GETMAIN failure occurred during connection from Adabas DBid xxxxx. |
Action |
Identify and fix the problem from the response code subcode rc sc or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2D | Format buffer error Subscription
ssssssss,{Request|Client-Info|LUW Client-Info} format
buffer Response code rc, subcode sc field name fn |
Explanation |
A Format buffer error occurred during processing of subscription ssssssss. |
Action |
Identify and fix the problem from the response code subcode rc sc or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2E | Open of File destination dddddddd failed as ALOG is not active |
Explanation |
An open of file destination dddddddd failed as the ALOG is unavailable. |
Action |
Investigate why the ALOG is unavailable. If needed, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2F | One or more Audit destinations are defined but ALOG is not active |
Explanation |
An open destinations failed as the ALOG is unavailable. |
Action |
Investigate why the ALOG is unavailable. If needed, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2G | Failed to set conversion attributes to subscription flist encoding for subscription
ssssssss dbid nnnnn file
nnnnn response code rc reason code
rrrrr Failed to set conversion attributes to user encoding |
Explanation |
Subscription filter list encoding or user encoding to set conversion attributes failed for the Dbid/file listed. |
Action |
Investigate the failure using the response code rc and reason code rrrrr. If needed, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2H | Subscription ssssssss DBID
nnnnn file nnnnn filter
ffffffff group ggggg condition
ccccc field fn
error: source field type incompatible with target or MU instance not found in Format Buffer field specified cannot be used in field level filter field type unrecognized invalid or out of range FLIST data: |
Explanation |
Subscription filter error has occurred for the Dbid/file listed, giving the filter, group, condition and field. One of four types of errors follows on the next line. |
Action |
Investigate the failure and correct as necessary. If needed, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAA2I | Use of SLOG for input items turned on |
Explanation |
A status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2J | Use of SLOG for input items turned off |
Explanation |
A status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2K | Use of SLOG for input items suspended |
Explanation |
A status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2L | Use of SLOG for input items no longer suspended |
Explanation |
A status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2M | Use of SLOG for input items disabled |
Explanation |
A status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2O | Warning: LOGINPUT is set to ALL or 1-99 and the SLOG system file is not loaded |
Explanation |
The parameter "LOG INPUT" in SYSALA Global Defitions is set to ALL or 1-99, and the SLOG system file is not defined. |
Action |
If a SLOG file is required, define a SLOG file or change the parameter to NO. |
ADAA2P | Data found in SLOG for input items The input items on the SLOG system file contain only FCB/FDT data |
Explanation |
A Data status of the SLOG is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message, if it was expected. If it is unexpected, investigate the reason or any additional messages to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2Q | Error during subscription processing: Subscription ssssssss, Response code rc, subcode sc, field name 'fn' |
Explanation |
The subscription listed in the message (ssssssss) had an error during processing. |
Action |
Investigate the response code rc, subcode sc for the field name listed. Identify and correct the problem. |
ADAA2R | ADAARP for DBID nnnnn connected, token nnnnn |
Explanation |
An instance of the ADAARP utility has established a session with the Auditing Server for the database identified in the message. The token number it has been assigned is also listed in the message and can be used to track the session. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA2S | ADAARP for DBID nnnnn disconnected, token nnnnn Total number of items processed: |
Explanation |
An instance of the ADAARP utility has terminated its session with the Auditing Server for the database identified in the message. The token number is also listed in the message and identifies the terminating session. The total number of transactions processed by the ADAARP utility is also given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA2T | Replay process ended successfully |
Explanation |
The replay process referred to in the preceding ADAA2S message ended successfully. The Auditing Server returns response code 0 (ADARSP000) to the disconnecting ADAARP. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAA2U | Replay process ended with response code rc, subcode sc |
Explanation |
The replay process referred to in the preceding ADAA2S message has encountered an error. The response code and subcode shown in the message is returned by the Auditing Server to ADAARP. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and run a new replay job. |
ADAA2V | AUDCLEANUP unable to find any active Tokens |
Explanation |
There are two possible reasons for this message. Either you entered an AUDCLEANUP=ALL operator command and there were no ADAARP replay operations in progress, or you entered an AUDCLEANUP=token operator command and there was no ADAARP replay operation in progress with the specified token. |
Action |
Supply a token for a replay operation that is in progress or start some ADAARP replay operations. The operator command DAUDSTAT can be used to identify active ADAARP replay tokens. |
ADAAE0 | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Auditing statistics: Total items ... : Pending items : Incomplete items: |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus has responded to an operator command of ‘DAUDSTAT,GLOBALS’. There may be extensions to the DAUDSTAT command, that has additional information to be displayed. |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. Reference the ‘DAUDSTAT Command against an Adabas Nucleus’ documentation for additional information. |
ADAAE1 | Auditing deactivated for file nnnnn due to {auditing pool full | request from ADADBS | request from AOS} |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus deactivated auditing for the listed file, for the specified reason, if it was available. |
Action |
Investigate the informational error message if it was unexpected. Correct it and rerun the job. |
ADAAE2 | Auditing activated for file nnnnn due to request from ADADBS/AOS |
Explanation |
Auditing was activated for file nnnnn due to the specified reason. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. If it was unexpected, investigate the reason. |
ADAAE3 | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SSFile related Auditing
statistics: File Total Pending Incomplete ----------------------------------------------------------------- nnnnn OR YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS no file found with auditing active. |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus has responded to an operator command of "DAUDSTAT,F=ALL" or "DAUDSTAT,F=nnnnn". There may be extensions to the DAUDSTAT command, that has additional information to be displayed. |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. Reference the "DAUDSTAT Command against an Adabas Nucleus" documentation for additional information. |
ADAAE4 | Warning during FACCFIELDS validation: Field xx is not defined in file nnnn |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus ADAANP input for the listed file has FACCDS=FIELDS for access commands. Field XX is specified for parameter FACCFIELDS and is not defined in the file. |
Action |
Correct your ADAANP parameters FACCDS and FACCFIELDS as required, for the listed file number and rerun the job. |
ADAAE5 | Warning during FUPDFIELDS validation: Field xx is not defined in file nnnnn or is a special descriptor |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus ADAANP input for the listed file, has FUPDAI|FUPDBI =FIELDS for update commands. Field XX is specified for parameter FUPDFIELDS and is not defined in the file or is a special descriptor. |
Action |
Correct your ADAANP parameters FUPDAI|FUPDBI and FUPDFIELDS as required, for the listed file number and rerun the job. |
ADAAE6 | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS No connection attempts will be made as a result of the AUDCONNECT request |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus has responded to an operator command of "AUDCONNECT=ALL" or "AUDCONNECT=nnnnn" and that attempt has failed. |
Action |
Examine the prior console log for additional messages. If it is an unexpected message, reference the AUDCONNECT Command operator command documentation for additional information. |
connection will be attempted with server id |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the AUDCONNECT operator command (issued to an Adabas nucleus). The message is printed for each Auditing Server ID for which the nucleus attempts a connection. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAAEW | Collection of auditing data for access commands for file nnnnn will not be controlled by field names |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus ADAANP input for the listed file, has FACCDS=FIELDS for access commands, however there are no fields specified for parameter FACCFIELDS. |
Action |
Correct your ADAANP parameters FACCDS and FACCFIELDS as required, for the listed file number. |
ADAAEX | Auditing server nnnnn has requested a connection. No connection will be made because this nucleus is not sending data to auditing server nnnnn |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus ADAANP input, does not have the Auditing server DBid of nnnnn for GSERVERID or DSERVERID, or for a specific file FSERVERID, thus the connection is refused. |
Action |
Correct your ADAANP parameters, or correct SYSALA Subscription parameters for the Auditing server nnnnn and rerun the job. |
ADAAEY | A connection was requested by auditing server ID nnnnn. No connection will be made since ADARUN AUDITING=NO was specified. |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus has AUDITING=NO, has received a connection request from the listed Auditing server, and refused that connection. |
Action |
Verify and correct your parameter input for the Adabas nucleus and/or SYSALA subscriptions for the Auditing server, if this was an unexpected message. Rerun jobs as required. |
ADAAEZ | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Error processing type-in: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Invalid file number: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS File xxxxx is greater than MAXFILES YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Descending file range not allowed YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Duplicate file numbers not allowed: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS Overlapping file ranges not allowed |
Explanation |
The Adabas nucleus, while processing the ADAANP input, has found an error(s), and listed out one or more of the above messages. |
Action |
Correct your ADAANP parameters as needed per the messages and rerun the job. |
ADAAJ2 | The value 'x' is invalid in subscription
subs-id DBID/FNR = nnnnn/nnnnn for phrase1 Valid values are phrase2 |
Explanation |
A value read from the subscription subs-id defined in the ALA system file is incorrect. The value is listed as ‘x’ above, the DBID/FNR is identified, and the name of the incorrect value is listed, i.e. phrase1 might be “send insert data image”. An expected valid value is listed, phrase2, an example being ’Y’ or ‘N’. |
Action |
Using the AMN or SYSALA editor for the ALA system file, verify the subscription, dbid/fnr, and the name of the incorrect value (phrase1). Correct if necessary (phrase2 values). Also contact your Software AG support representative with the contents of the message. |
ADAAK2 | Filter xxxxxxxx source field name xx. Invalid value '/X’xxxxxxxx' for keyword |
Explanation |
The field name xx in filter xxxxxxxx has an invalid keyword value as reported in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAAK3 | Misuse of A( ) or X( ) notation |
Explanation |
The notation was specified incorrectly. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAAK4 | Misuse of wildcharacter in value |
Explanation |
The wildcharacter notation was specified incorrectly. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAAK8 | Global Format xxxxxxxx has an invalid length |
Explanation |
The Global Format xxxxxxxx length is invalid. Maximum size is 32767. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAAKX | Requested storage exceeds maximum GETMAIN of 2,147,483,647 bytes |
Explanation |
A GETMAIN storage request would have exceeded the maximum amount that can be requested. Review the global definition settings for Subtasks and Maximum output size. The number of Subtasks + 1 for the main task is multiplied by the Maximum output size. In addition, storage for additional control blocks related to the number of Subtasks, is added to the total and the result is used in the GETMAIN storage request. |
Action |
Either reduce the size of the Maximum output size or reduce the number of Subtasks, so that the GETMAIN size is less than the maximum size allowed. |
ADAALA | For Subscription xxxxxxxx. Format xxxxxxxx not found in format definitions |
Explanation |
The format xxxxxxxx defined for Subscription xxxxxxxx was not found in the format definitions. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALB | Subscription subs-id database dbid file nn. before|after|key image uses global format buffer gfb. This global format buffer contains field table information. It may not be used by more than one combination of database and file. |
Explanation |
A global format buffer (GFB) definition contains a field table and is used for more than one combination of database ID and file number. This is not allowed. |
Action |
Correct the subscription so that the GFB field table is used for a single combination of database ID and file number. |
ADAALC | Subscription subs-id database dbid file nn. before|after|key image uses global format buffer gfb. This global format buffer is also used by subscription subs-id database dbid file nn. |
Explanation |
A global format buffer (GFB) definition is used by a subscription for the same file number on different databases. This is not allowed. |
Action |
Correct the subscription so that the GFB is used properly. |
ADAALD | GFORMAT xxxxxxxx is not unique |
Explanation |
Duplicate names for global format definitions have been found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALE | Subscription xxxxxxxx Global and Local format buffers are mutually exclusive |
Explanation |
A global or a local format may be specified, but not both. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALJ | Invalid hexadecimal input for X( ) notation |
Explanation |
The hexadecimal value was invalid. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALK | Filter xxxxxxxx, Group xxxx, Condition xxxx inconsistent with value list |
Explanation |
A value list cannot be used with the specified condition. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALL | Global filter format xxxxxxxx not found in Global format definitions |
Explanation |
The filter format ID xxxxxxxx does not match a global format. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and restart the Audit Server. |
ADAALM | Subscription xxxxxxxx has been deactivated |
Explanation |
The subscription xxxxxxxx was deactivated because of an error. |
Action |
Ensure the Audit Server is running with an ALOG defined if you wish to use destinations of type AUDIT. |
ADAALP | Filter xxxxxxxx; target field not allowed |
Explanation |
For a request or client filter, the target can only be one or more values. The target cannot be a field. The subscription is deactivated. |
Action |
Correct the filter to use a value as the target of the compare. |
ADAAP0 | All files within the FLIST parameter are invalid The group of file definitions will not be used |
Explanation |
All the files specified in the FLIST parameter were invalid and will not be use. |
Action |
Check the parameter; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAAP1 | No server ID was specified for file definition File definition xxxxx will be discarded |
Explanation |
The file definition xxxxx does not have a server ID. The file definition will be discarded. |
Action |
Specify the server ID for the file definition and rerun the job. |
ADAAP2 | File nnnnn is incorrectly specified in both file
definitions yyyyy and zzzzz File definition yyyyy will not be used for file nnnnn |
Explanation |
The file nnnnn is specified in both of the listed definitions. The definition zzzzz will be used for file nnnnn. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job as needed. |
ADAAP3 | The parameter must be within a group of database parameters |
Explanation |
The parameter listed is improperly misplaced for database parameter(s) processing. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAP4 | Parameter DSERVERID must be in the range 1 – 65535 |
Explanation |
The parameter DSERVERID has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAP5 | Parameter DSERVERID must not be equal to the current database ID |
Explanation |
The parameter DSERVERID has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPA | Internal error occurred in ADAANP. Register contents: |
Explanation |
An internal error occured while processing the ADAANP input parameters. The Register information is output in the message text. |
Action |
Check the JCL and job log for other errors. Contact your Software AG representative with the information provided. |
ADAAPB | Error opening ADAANP file |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword or file name. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAAPC | I/O error reading ADAANP file |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword or file name. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAAPD | Parameter error, name not ADAANP |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPE | Parameter error, missing separator |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a missing separator or a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPF | Parameter error, invalid syntax |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPG | Parameter error, keyword not unique |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply the correct keyword in full length, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPH | Parameter error, unknown parameter |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPI | Parameter error, too many values in list |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPJ | GETMAIN error - not enough memory Requested xx,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes acquired xx,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes |
Explanation |
Getmain for a specified area failed or there was insufficient storage available. |
Action |
Rectify the Getmain problem and rerun the job. |
ADAAPK | Input file record format is not fixed |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword or file name. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAAPL | Input file record length is not 80 |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword or file name. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAAPM | The parameter must be within a group of file parameters |
Explanation |
The parameter listed is improperly misplaced for file parameter(s) processing. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPN | The parameter must be within a group of global parameters |
Explanation |
The parameter listed is improperly misplaced for global parameter(s) processing. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPO | Only YES or NO are valid values for parameter |
Explanation |
The parameter listed has an invalid value specified. Only YES or NO are valid values. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPP | Only YES, NO, or FIELDS are valid values for parameter |
Explanation |
The parameter listed has an invalid value specified. Only YES or NO or FIELDS are valid values. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPQ | Invalid Adabas field name xx contained in parameter |
Explanation |
The parameter listed has an invalid Adabas field name xx specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPR | Parameter FSERVERID must be in the range 1 – 65535 |
Explanation |
The parameter FSERVERID has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPS | Parameter GAPWARNINCREMENT must be in the range 1 – 99 |
Explanation |
The parameter GAPWARNINCREMENT has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPT | Parameter GAPWARNINTERVAL must be nonzero |
Explanation |
The parameter GAPWARNINTERVAL has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPU | Parameter GAPWARNMESSAGELIMIT must be nonzero |
Explanation |
The parameter GAPWARNMESSAGELIMIT has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPV | Parameter GAPWARNPERCENT must be in the range 0 - 99 |
Explanation |
The parameter GAPWARNPERCENT has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPW | Parameter FSERVERID must not be equal to the current database ID |
Explanation |
The parameter FSERVERID has an invalid value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPX | Parameter FLIST contains invalid file number From file number will be set to 1 To file number will be set to maximum file number |
Explanation |
The parameter FLIST has an invalid file number specified. The range defaults to the listed values. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPY | Required FLIST parameter is missing from the group of file parameters The group of file definitions will not be used |
Explanation |
The parameter FLIST is required for the file parameters definition. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAAPZ | The file definition will not be used due to the GETMAIN failure |
Explanation |
Getmain for a specified area failed or there was insufficient storage available. |
Action |
Rectify the Getmain problem and rerun the job. |
ADAATA | Load failed for mmmmmmmm |
Explanation |
The load of the ADAABK/ADAAMT module has failed. The module name is given as mmmmmmmm. |
Action |
Ensure the given module is available to the Auditing Server. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAATB | YYYYYY INIT call failed |
Explanation |
An error occurred during the initialization phase of YYYYYY. Where YYYYYY is either ADAABK or ADAAMQ and the text is followed by either 'GETMAIN failed' or the return code and reason code. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAATC | Connect failed Error info |
Explanation |
The Connect to the messaging system failed. The second line contains the Broker ID or the MQSeries queue manager name. The third line contains the error information. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAATF | Disconnect failed Error info |
Explanation |
The Disconnect to the messaging system failed. The second line contains the Broker ID or the MQSeries queue manager name. The third line contains the error information. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAATG | YYYYYY TERM call failed |
Explanation |
An error occurred during the termination phase of YYYYYY. Where YYYYYY is either ADAABK or ADAAMQ and the text is followed by return code and reason code. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAATH | Delete failed for YYYYYY |
Explanation |
An attempt to delete the module YYYYYY from storage failed. Where YYYYYY is either ADAABK or ADAAMQ. This should not occur and should be reported to your local support center. |
Action |
Contact your local support center. |