This section describes how to install the Adabas Online System (AOS) demo version on a z/OS system. To install AOS on systems that use Software AG’s System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the section of this document describing installation of Adabas in your operating environment. For information about SMA, see the System Maintenance Aid documentation.
The AOS demo version requires the same Natural version as the corresponding release of Adabas Online System. Please refer to the appropriate Adabas Online System documentation to determine its Natural requirements.
To install the AOS demo version without the System Maintenance
For a Com-plete or CICS environment, link the correct object module with the Natural TP nucleus.
If a split Natural nucleus is to be installed, the AOSASM module must be linked to the shared portion of the nucleus and not to the thread portion.
Optionally, set the AOS defaults. Parameters that control the operation of AOS can be set at installation time by changing the defaults in the Natural program AOSEX1 found in library SYSAOSU. For complete information about these parameters, read Setting the AOS Demo Version Defaults.
After setting the AOS defaults in the previous step, copy the AOSEX1 member and its companion member P-AOSEX1 from the SYSAOSU library to the SYSAOS library. The programs for AOS are stored in library SYSAOS, and these members and the correct AOSEX1 parameters for your environment must be present in SYSAOS for AOS to run.
The SYSAOSU library is provided to ensure that AOS settings (including the AOSEX1 settings) in your running AOS installation are not overwritten when you upgrade or apply maintenance to your AOS code. Whenever you upgrade or apply maintenance, you must ensure that the AOSEX1 member in the SYSAOSU library is updated appropriately and copied (with P-AOSEX1) to the SYSAOS library.
Perform a Natural INPL.
The tape containing the AOS demo version contains an INPL-formatted data set in Natural. The programs for the AOS demo version are stored in library SYSAOS.
The distributed INPL jobs (both the sample jobs and the SMA-generated jobs) that you use to load the Adabas INPL library load it in a date-sensitive manner. In other words, the load process will now check the dates of your existing INPL library and will not allow older members to overwrite members with newer dates. However, if you use your own Natural batch jobs to load the Adabas INPL library, you will need to modify them to be date-sensitive. To do this, specify the following CMSYNIN primary command input in your job (this setting assumes the Natural input parameters in the job are specified in comma-delimited mode, or IM=D):
The "B" setting indicates that the INPL action should load everything; the next six fields (comma-delimited) are defaults, the eighth field is specified as "Y" to indicate that dates in the INPL library should be checked, and the ninth field is not included in the specification because the default for that field will be used. For more information about Natural CMSYNIN input, refer to your Natural documentation.
When migrating an Adabas 7.4 installation, this procedure
does not apply. Instead, you should replace the 7.4 INPL library members with
the latest Adabas 8 INPL library members, regardless of the dates of the
members, to avoid creating a library containing members from both
Load the ADA error messages using the Natural utility ERRLODUS.
The error messages are stored in an ERRN-formatted data set included on the tape.
See the Natural Utilities documentation for information about the ERRLODUS utility.
Execute the AOS demo version by logging on to the application library SYSAOS and entering the command MENU.
If Natural Security is installed, define at least the library SYSAOS to it.
Define the following libraries as needed:
For Adabas Vista: SYSAVI and SYSMVvrs
For Adabas Fastpath: SYSAFP and SYSMWvrs
For Adabas SAF Security: SYSAAF and SYSMXvrs
For Adabas Transaction Manager: SYSATM and SYSMTvrs
Software AG recommends you define SYSAOS and any other libraries you may define as protected.
Specify the startup program for SYSAOS as MENU. Do not specify a startup program name for the other libraries.
Natural Security must be installed before implementing Adabas Online System Security. See the Adabas Security documentation for more information. For information about installing Natural Security for use with AOS Security, see the Natural Security documentation.
Natural Security includes the ability to automatically close all open databases when the Natural command mode’s LOGON function of the AOS demo version is invoked.
Parameters that control the operation of Adabas Online System can be set at installation time by changing the defaults in the Natural program AOSEX1. Once you have altered the parameters as needed for your installation, copy the AOSEX1 and P-AOSEX1 members from the SYSAOSU library to the SYSAOS library.
The table below lists the parameters and possible values.
To change the defaults, you must edit the Natural AOSEX1 program and make the changes directly within the program listing in the defaults area, which looks as follows:
. . . DEFINE DATA PARAMETER USING P-AOSEX1 END-DEFINE * * SET THE DEFAULTS * ADMIN-LEVEL = '6' (Allows access to certain functions that can cause error conditions in the ADABAS environment) AOS-END-MSG = 'Y' (Display end-of-session message) AOS-LOGO = 'Y' (Adabas Online System logo display-set to 'N' for no logo display) BATCH-ERROR = 'N' (If BATCH-ERROR is set to "Y", AOS will terminate with a condition code of 8 if an error occurs.) BLK-CYL = 'B' (Space allocation default-set to 'C' for cylinders) CMD-INT = 'A' (Pass invalid Adabas commands to (N)atural, or intercept (A)) CPEXLIST = 'N' (Checkpoint list control-set to 'Y' for extended checkpoint list) NR-EXT2 = '50' (ADA V8 critical extent threshold. Range: 1-99) EXF-UTI = 'U' (File locking exception-set to 'E' to except files in EXF status) MAXANZ = 100 (Maximum user queue elements displayed. range: 1 - 99,999,999 elements) NR-EXT = 4 (ADA V7 critical extent threshold. Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) NR-PERCENT = '89' (NR-PERCENT is a threshold value for the display of critical files) MAX-AC-IOS = 150 (AC read converter block threshold) PURGE-UQE = 'N' (Remove element from user queue. Pre-5.1 default is "Y") SAVEFDT = 'N' (Keep old FDT for SAVE operation-set to 'Y' to save FDTs) STATINTV = 60 (Statistic-gathering time. range: 1 - 9999) TID-DISPLAY = 'I' (TID display control: B=binary, A=alpha, I=normally alpha, special characters as binary) TIMELA = 0 (Include activity in last 'n' seconds. range: "all" (0) -last 99,999,999 seconds) TIN-JOBN = 'J' (Command queue display-"J" for job name, "T" for "time in queue" ) * END