Licensing Adabas

You must install a valid license file on all mainframe platforms in which your Software AG mainframe product is installed.

The license file is provided as an XML document (encoded in US-ASCII). This document can be viewed using a browsing tool or text editor on a PC. It can also be viewed on the mainframe using the DISPLAY function of the license utility, LICUTIL, described Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing. The license file contains text that represents the licensing information for your product and an associated digital signature, the license key. Among other things, it also displays Software AG legal notices and environmental information.

Your license file is obtained from your Software AG sales representative. If you should have problems with your license file, please contact your sales representative. Please do not edit the file yourself, as you may invalidate it during your attempt. If the product license is incorrect, insufficient, or not installed, Adabas terminates. Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance.

Adabas requires MLC Version 1.3.8 or higher. For complete information about the licensing process for Software AG mainframe products, read Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.