Manually Configuring the Directory Server

Most configuration specifications for Directory Server can be made using SMH. Manual configuration of the Directory Server might be required is a configuration is lost or corrupted. Under normal circumstances, manual configuration is not required.

If you need to perform manual configuration of the Directory Server, please contact Software AG Customer Support for assistance.

This document covers the following topics:

Windows Manual Configuration

Start of instruction setTo manually configure the Directory Server:

  1. Position to the Software AG Directory Server installation directory.

  2. Set the Directory Server parameters.

  3. Register the Directory Server service.

  4. Start the Directory Server service.

  5. Confirm the configuration.

Refer to the following sections (Example Commands (Windows) and Example Commands (UNIX) for examples of each of these steps.

Example Commands (Windows)

Note in the following commands "x:" is used to indicate the drive where the Software AG Directory Server has been installed. This would normally be the "C" drive. Substitute the installation's actual value before issuing the commands. From a Windows command prompt window, issue the following commands:

Activity Example Command
Position to the Software AG Directory Server installation directory. cd x:\Program Files\Software AG\Directory Server
Set the Directory Server parameters. xtsdssvc -name XTSDIR -port 0 -directory INIDIR -dirparms "file=c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Software AG\xtsurl.cfg" -logdir "c:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Software AG" -trace 0 -debug 0
Register the Directory Server service. xtsdssvc -register
Start the Directory Server service. xtsdssvc -start
Confirm the configuration. xtsdssvc -status

Once the Directory Server is registered it will be automatically started at boot time. The Windows Services control panel application can be used to confirm the automatic start setting. Navigate the following program items to get to the services control panel applet: Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services (Windows 2000) . The Software AG Directory Server service is listed as Software AG Directory Server.

Special Considerations

This section covers the following topics:

The -port 0 Setting

Setting the port parameter to "0" indicates that the actual port to be used is determined by the DNS resolution of SAGXTSDSport. If SAGXTSDSport is not resolved, then port "4952" is used. The port number is encoded as an IP address, explained below. One should determine the setting or non-setting of SAGXTSDSport. If set, then confirm that the desired port is encoded correctly. To confirm, issue the following ping command:


Text similar to the following should appear if SAGXTSDSport is defined:

Pinging SAGXTSDSport [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Ping statistics for
Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum =0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

The "Destination host unreachable" is expected as the SAGXTSDSport is the port number encoded as an IP address and as such is not a real IP address.

The port as an IP address encoding is done as follows:" port/256.port%256.0.0"

In above case, "" equates to "4952" (i.e., 256*49+187).

If SAGXTSDSport is set but is not encoded to the the desired port value then one of the following should be done:

  1. Correct DNS entry.

  2. Define SAGXTSDSport in the local "hosts" file.

    • Under windows the local hosts file can be found at %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc

    • Example entry for using port 4952: " SAGXTSDSport ".

The -dirparms Setting

The -dirparms parameter specifies the fully qualified name of the flat file repository to be used by the Directory Server. There should be an xtsurl.cfg file in the standard Windows application data subdirectory:

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Software AG\.

SAGXTSDShost Needs to be Set

In order for applications to access the Directory Server, SAGXTSDShost must be set and point to the Directory Server host. If SAGXTSDShost is not set, confirm with a PING SAGXTSDShost command , then set SAGXTSDShost in one of the following ways:

  • Define to a DNS server.

  • Define in the local hosts file for each computer needing access to the Directory Server.

  • Set an XTSDSURL environmental variable for any process that needs access to the Directory Server.

For example: set xtsdsurl=tcpip://dirserverhost:port.

The xtsdssvc -help Command

The command xtsdssvc -help will display help on other xtsdssvc commands.

UNIX Manual Configuration

Under UNIX, manual configuration is possible by modifying the $SAG/common/bin/ script.

The SAGXTSDSport and SAGXTSDShost settings should be confirmed as in the Windows case.

The xtsurl.cfg file is located at $SAG/common/xts/com/softwareag/XTS. If xtsurl.cfg does not exist at the location there should be an xtsurl.ghost file at that location. If no xtsurl.cfg exists at $SAG/common/xts/com/softwareag/XTS the xtsurl.ghost file can be renamed to xtsurl.cfg.