What is the Directory Server?

The Software AG Directory Server provides central management of directory services. It runs as either a Windows service or a UNIX daemon.

Instead of individual directory service configuration files for each application or machine, a centralized Directory Server enhances control and management of configuration, as shown in the figure below.


All directory information required to accomplish communication between clients and servers is obtained from the Directory Server. Only Directory Server address information, essentially the host and port of the Directory Server, is required for clients and servers to use the Directory Server.

Software AG recommends that you use only one Directory Server in your enterprise. However, if you install more than one, remember:

  • You will have to manage and administer multiple Directory Server configurations.

  • The more Directory Servers you use, the more physical resources on your system will be consumed.

  • You will need to be very careful about which Directory Server you select to use in your installation of a Software AG product -- especially if other Directory Servers have been installed by other Software AG products.

  • As you are restricted to a single pointer to a Directory Server in your DNS (via its SAGXTSDSHOST and SAGXTSDSPORT entries), all systems required to use a different Directory Server must be redirected using local, manual, administration. For more information on this manual administration, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

Software AG directory services are Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) used to identify the locations of Adabas databases, Entire Net-Work Kernels, and other target servers. These URLs allow a client to access a target server and allow a target server to "listen" for clients, as shown in the figure below.
