This document tells you how to log on to Adabas Review online (SYSREVDB), use the online help system, use function codes, PF keys and commands, and how to end your Adabas Review session. It is organized in the following topics:
Adabas Review can be accessed online via a standard Natural application that resides in the Natural library SYSREVDB.
To access Adabas Review online via SYSREVDB:
Access Natural as you do normally.
At the NEXT prompt, enter LOGON SYSREVDB.
At the prompt, enter MENU.
If you are running in hub mode and if the default hub ID is specified as "AUTO", the value is determined from the SVC of the current Natural session. If there is a single hub running under the current SVC, that hub ID is used. If more than one hub ID is active, the following pop-up dialog appears. (If no hub is running, the value is determined as if "LFILE" were specified.)
NEXT menu LIB=SYSREVDB Logon accepted to library SYSREVDB. Available Review Hubs on SVC 237 Please choose a Review Hub --------------------------------------------- _ 00041 _____ _____ _____ _ 00558 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7-- Exit |
Type any character next to the hub you want to use and press Enter.
Your Adabas Review administrator can tell you if an alternative logon procedure has been defined.
When you log on to Adabas Review, the Main Menu screen is displayed.
When user exit P-UEXIT1 needs to be re-cataloged because of a new
GDA, it is assumed, that the display programs need to be re-cataloged too,
since they also use the SYSREVDB GDA. In this case, a RECAT
will be triggered. See the
command in the section Command Reference for more
This section covers the following topics:
14:31:25 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2020-02-07 REVIEW-DB (10,252) Main Menu Hub Target: 296 Code Description ---- --------------------------------- AA Available ADABAS Nuclei AH Available Review Hubs AO ADABAS Online System ER Edit Report Definition ES Edit Specialty Reports ET Edit Target Definition LC List Scheduled Reports LH List History Reports LR List Report Definitions LS List Started Reports LT List Target Definitions UP User Profiles ---- --------------------------------- Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Fin |
or HUB=nnnnn
to accomplish the same
The following PF keys are available on many of the Adabas Review screens:
PF | Command | Description |
1 | Help | Access the help system. |
3 | Exit | Return to the previous screen. When this function key is pressed on the Main Menu, the Adabas Review Natural user exit, P-UEXIT3, is run. |
7 | - | Scroll backward through a list display. |
8 | + | Scroll forward through a list display. |
10 | <=== |
On VW/VX screens, this function key scrolls the
report to the left. On other screens, this function key may have other
Note: |
11 | ===> |
On VW/VX screens, this function key scrolls the report
to the right. On other screens, this function key may have other meanings.
Note: |
12 | Menu | Return to the Adabas Review Main Menu. When this function key is pressed on the Main Menu, the Adabas Review Natural user exit, P-UEXIT2, is run. |
13 | LR | The List Report Definition (LR) function lists all reports. |
14 | LS | The List Started Reports (LS) function lists reports that have been started. |
Other Adabas Review commands and PF keys are local to a particular function or screen. These commands are usually shown on the relevant screen and have PF keys assigned to them.
Commands used in the list functions are not displayed on the screen. These commands may be displayed by using the online help system.
Adabas Review is menu-driven. A series of function codes and commands are used to navigate through its functions. Functions may contain several "layers" of screens.
Entering function codes singly accesses one layer at a time; entering a string of function codes enables you to bypass intervening screens and go directly to the screen you want.
For example, you can list the reports that have been started (LS) for Adabas Review by entering the following on the command line of the Adabas Review main menu:
The LS code accesses the Started Reports screen.
Commands are used to perform specific tasks within a function.
To issue an Adabas Review command:
type the command on the command line and press ENTER
press the PF key corresponding to the command, if one has been
A command may be included in a string, provided the command is the last element.
Some commands are standard throughout Adabas Review, and may be issued from any screen. These include the following:
Command | PF | Description |
COLOR OFF | — | Returns to non-color display. |
COLOR ON | — | Displays color attributes, if applicable. |
EXIT | 3 |
Terminates the function and returns you to the
menu screen that precedes it.
Note: |
FIN or QUIT | 12 |
Terminates the Adabas Review session. Assigned to
PF12 on the Adabas Review Main Menu.
Note: |
HELP or ? | 1 | Displays the help screens for a particular screen or field. ? is used to display help for a specific field. |
LOGO | — | Displays the Adabas Review logo screen. |
MENU | 12 | Terminates the function, and returns you to the Adabas Review Main Menu. |
MSG | — | Displays detailed explanations of Adabas Review messages. May be issued with or without a message number. If no message number is included, Adabas Review displays the explanation for the last message received, unless you have changed the Adabas Review screen or performed a different Adabas Review function since the message was displayed. In this case, specifying the MSG command without a message number produces an error. |
Other Adabas Review commands are local to a particular system or function. These commands are usually listed on the relevant screen and have PF keys assigned to them.
Line commands used in the list functions are not displayed on the screen. These commands may be displayed by using the online help system.
Online help is available for Adabas Review functions at any time during the Adabas Review session. You may view general help screens describing functions and commands or, if available, help windows for a specific data entry field:
To access the general help screens:
To access specific help windows:
Enter a question mark ( ? ) on the data entry field.
If specific help is not available, the general help for the screen is displayed.
The following PF keys are available within the online help system:
Adabas Online System (AOS) is a selectable unit of Adabas that enables database administrators to monitor and change aspects of an Adabas database interactively. Refer to the Adabas DBA Tasks Manual and the Adabas Online System documentation for more information.
If Adabas Online System is installed on your system and you have access privileges to it, you can access it from Adabas Review.
To access Adabas Online System from Adabas Review:
Enter the code AO on the command line.
The Adabas Review repository is an Adabas file used for storing report definitions, historical data, and target definitions for Adabas Review.
Depending on the configuration at your site, more than one Adabas Review repository may be associated with your system. For example, if your site has Adabas Review installed on more than one database, there may be an Adabas Review repository for each database.
The Review command SETFILE (or SET) and SETALL (or SETA) may be used to access different Adabas Review repositories and the reports stored on them.
The SETALL command
differs from the SETFILE command
in that it allows you to also change the current DBID/HUBID where Adabas Review is
communicating. Changing this value has the same effect as entering
or HUB=nnnnn
into the command line.
To access different Adabas Review repositories:
Enter the command SETFILE or SET on the command line of any Adabas Review screen and press ENTER.
Provide the DBID and FNR for the Adabas Review repository you wish to access and press ENTER.
You are now able to access reports stored on a different Adabas Review repository. The setting remains until you either change it again or log off Adabas Review.
The TECH command provides access to information about the Adabas Review system. It invokes the Database System Environment screen, which displays Adabas Review environmental and maintenance information. This function is useful for determining:
the environment in which Adabas Review is executing; and
the maintenance (zaps) applied to the current version of Adabas Review.
You can access the Database System Environment screen from:
the Main Menu
the List Report Definitions (LR) screen
the List Started Reports (LS) screen
the List Scheduled Reports (LC) screen
This section describes the information you can obtain:
To access technical system information:
Type TECH on the command line of one of the appropriate screens and press ENTER.
The TECH command Database System Environment screen is the first to appear:
14:33:51 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2020-02-07 REVIEW-DB (10,252) DATABASE System Environment Hub Target: 296 Review Target TP Monitor DBID/HUBID ................ 296 Monitor .............. COMPLETE SVC ....................... 249 Vers .................. 6.8_SP1 Vers .................. 4.9_SP1 zIIP ................... Active REVEXIT1 Review Repository Vers .................. 4.8_SP2 DBID .................... 20000 Status .... Installed Correctly File ...................... 149 State .................. Active Status ......... File Available REVEXIT2 Natural Vers .................. 4.8_SP2 Natural Vers .......... 8.2_SP7 Status .... Installed Correctly SYSREVDB Vers ......... 4.9_SP1 State .............. Not Active ADATMZ Vers ........... 8.3_SP4 Client .................... Off Press PF2 for REVIEW fix list, ENTER to exit Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Fixes Exit NatFx Confi Menu |
The SVC that is displayed on the TECH screen is always the
default SVC specified in the ADALNK routine.
From this screen, you can:
Press PF1 to invoke help from any screen.
Press PF2 to obtain information about updates (zaps) to Adabas Review nucleus code. The Review Fixes Information screen appears. For more information about these screens, read Reviewing Zap Information.
Press PF4 to obtain information about updates (zaps) to Adabas Review database Natural objects. For more information, read Reviewing Natural Object Zap Information.
Press PF5 to obtain information about the
parameters specified in the CONFIGDB text file. For more information, read
in the Command Reference.
Press ENTER to exit the Database System Environment screen.
The Database System Environment screen displays information about the following environment variables:
Data Category | Field | Description |
Review Target | DBID/HUBID | The database ID in local mode or the hub ID in hub mode. |
SVC | The SVC of this Natural session. This
is the SVC where SYSREVDB is running.
Note: |
Vers | The version of Adabas Review, either local or for the given Adabas Review hub. | |
zIIP | If Adabas Review for zIIP is installed, possible values are "Inactive", "Active" or "Disabled". | |
Review Repository | DBID | The database of the Adabas Review repository. The default corresponds to NTFILE 241 in the Natural NATPARM parameter module. This database cannot be in the hub address space. |
File | The file number of the Adabas Review repository. | |
Status | The status of the Adabas Review database repository file (NTFILE ID=241 in the Natural NATPARM module). This field will contain the Adabas response code received if an error was encountered trying to access the file. If required EXPAND jobs have not been applied, the field will contain 'Installation Error' and the missing EXPAND job(s) (Expandnn, where nn is the job number) will be displayed below. | |
Natural | Natural Vers | The version of Natural currently installed at the user's site. |
SYSREVDB Vers | The version of the Natural code of the Adabas Review software. | |
ADATMZ Vers | The version of ADATMZ code used and loaded by Natural. ADATMZ is used by Adabas Review to obtain hub location information and to support the use of "AUTO" for the default Adabas Review target DBID or hub ID name in user profiles. | |
TP Monitor | Monitor | The type of TP system currently being used. |
Vers | The version of the TP monitor currently being used. | |
REVEXIT1 | Vers | The version of the REVEXIT1 link routine exit for the TP monitor currently being used. REVEXIT1 is the new name for REVEXITB; REVEXITB is currently supported, but will no longer be supported in a future release. |
Status | The status of the REVEXIT1 link routine exit for the TP monitor currently being used. | |
State | The current state of REVEXIT1. Possible values are "Unknown", "N/A", "Active" and "Not Active" or "COR-controlled". | |
REVEXIT2 | Vers | The version of the REVEXIT2 link routine exit for the TP monitor currently being used. |
Status | The status of the REVEXIT2 link routine exit for the TP monitor currently being used. | |
State | The current state of REVEXIT2. Possible values are "Unknown", "N/A", "Active", "Not Active" or "COR-controlled". | |
Client | The status of client reporting for Adabas Review. Valid values are "On", "Off", "Not Installed" or "n/a". |
To obtain information about updates (zaps) that have been
Press PF2 from the Database System Environment screen.
The Review Fixes Information screen appears displaying maintenance (zap) information for the nucleus first:
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 11:11:17 Review Fixes Information 2016-04-27 ! ! Zaps applied to the Review nucleus for target 204 ! ! ! ! 1001 1002 1003 1004 **** 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 **** 1013 **** 1015 ! ! 1016 **** 1018 1019 1020 **** **** 1023 1024 1025 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Press PF2 to see optional zaps, ENTER to exit ! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
From this screen, you can:
Press PF1 to invoke help from any screen.
Press PF2 to continue to cycle through the maintenance information screens, providing information on nucleus zaps, optional (special) nucleus zaps, REVEXIT1 zaps and optional (special) zaps, and zaps (updates) to Adabas Review Natural objects.
Press ENTER to exit the Review Fixes Information screen.
Maintenance information screens display, by number, all of the zaps that have been applied to the current version of Adabas Review. When you press PF2, the maintenance screens cycle in the following sequence:
Screen Sequence | Review Zap Screen Title | Empower Naming Convention | Display Format on the TECH Screen |
1 | Zaps applied to the Review nucleus for target nnn |
RDvrsnnn |
snnn |
2 | Optional zaps applied to the Review Nucleus for target nnn* |
RYvrsnn* |
snnn |
3 | Zaps applied to
the Link Routine (dependent)
(for example, TSO ADALNK, CICS ADALINK) |
AOvrsnnn (Com-plete and TSO/batch zaps for z/OS environments) |
snnn |
CIvrsnnn (CICS zaps for all environments) |
IIvrsnnn (IMS zaps for z/OS environments) |
4 | Zaps applied to the Link Routine (independent) |
AIvrsnn |
snnn |
5 | Zaps applied to REVEXIT1 and REVEXIT2 |
RDvrsnnn |
snnn |
6 | Optional zaps applied to REVEXIT1 and REVEXIT2* |
RYvrsnnn* |
snnn |
7 | Updates to Review Natural objects |
REVvrsISnn |
IXvrsin where i is value I for fix 1 to 9, J for fix 10 to 19 and so on. |
REVvrsX0nn |
IXvrsnn |
Optional zaps are not available in Empower.
Note: |
The zap numbers are displayed in rows, from left to right in the order they were applied. If the maintenance screen displays released/test zaps, the test zaps are highlighted. Other maintenance screens display optional zaps.
The types of maintenance screens available vary with the operating environment in which Adabas Review resides. Any or all of the following maintenance information screens may be displayed:
zaps (released/test, and optional) applied to Adabas Review nucleus for the database or hub;
zaps (released/test, and optional) applied to Adabas Review link routine exit;
INPLs (released/test) applied to the Adabas Review Natural code; and
dependent and independent zaps applied to the Adabas link routine (ADALNK).
To obtain information about updates (zaps) to Adabas Review database
Natural objects:
Press PF4 from the Database System Environment screen.
The Review Fixes Information - Updates to Review Natural objects screen appears displaying the first set of maintenance (zap) information. From this screen, you can:
Press PF1 to invoke HELP from any Technical Information function screen.
Press ENTER to exit the Review Technical Information screen.
An Adabas Review session may be ended in any one of the following ways:
To end the current function and return to the menu from which the
function was called:
To end the function you are using and return to the Adabas Review Main
To end your Adabas Review session from the Adabas Review Main Menu:
Press PF3 (Exit); or enter the QUIT command on the command line and press ENTER.
Press PF12 (Fin); or enter the
command on the command line and press
To end your Adabas Review session without returning to the Main