Installation: Phase 1

Adabas Review can be installed in local mode in the Adabas address space, or as a hub (server) in its own address space with an interface (client) located in the address space of the Adabas being monitored. The procedures are the same except as noted.

Adabas Review is installed in two phases. This document describes Phase 1, which comprises all the steps that are independent of any particular TP monitor environment, as follows:

To complete Phase 1 of the installation, read the sections in Phase 1 that apply to the type of installation you have chosen and follow the steps described in those sections in order they are described in this document.

Instructions for copying the tape contents to disk are provided in Copying the Tape Contents.

Phase 2, which comprises the steps that are specific to the TP monitor being used, is described in Installation: Phase 2

Install Adabas Review under Natural

This section applies to both local and hub mode installations. It includes the following steps:

Step 1. INPL Adabas Review

The entire Adabas Review application is stored in the SYSREVDB library. User profiles are stored in the SYSREVDU library.

INPL the Adabas Review programs and DDMs from the INPL data set to your Natural system files.

You may use any of your site-dependent Natural INPL JCL. Sample job REVINPL is provided in the Adabas Review jobs library.

If you want to use Adabas Review together with Predict, your DDMs should be stored in a valid FDIC system file. For detailed information please refer to the relevant sections concerning DDMs in the Predict documentation and the Natural documentation.

Step 2. Create a Natural profile using the SYSPARM facility

  1. Include the following parameter settings in the Natural profile:

    Parameter Requirement
    LS=250 minimum
    PS=80 minimum
    MADIO=5000 minimum
    MAXCL=0 minimum
    ESIZE=64 minimum
    ADAPRM=ON required. ADAPRM=ON must be specified in order to use Adabas Review to report on Natural information.
    NTWORK(nn),,AM=STD,DEST='WORK**' Optional. May be used as download target when working with DISPLAY=EDITOR. The number of the work file is taken from the setting of PC-FILE in CONFIGDB.
    NTWORK(7),AM=PC,OPEN=ACC required for PC downloads. NTWORK is a Natural macro used to define the work file(s) to be used; AM is the access method. OPEN=ACC specifies that the work file will be opened when it is first accessed by a statement. For more information, see the Natural documentation.

    Work file 7 is the default specified in the PC-FILE parameter of the CONFIGDB text member in SYSREVDB. The work file number specified in NTWORK and PC-FILE parameter must be the same.

    NTPRINT(1) Review uses Natural printer 1 to generate report display programs in the Natural source area. Working with DISPLAY=EDITOR respectively, the new Editor display programs you may enter a printer name, used in the DEFINE PRINTER OUTPUT syntax element. For more information see the Natural documentation.
    COMP Parameters for Com-plete. Set the value for NTHSIZE greater than 2400.
  2. Add a Natural NTLFILE definition for the physical database ID and file number of the Adabas Review repository file as follows:

    NTLFILE 241,dbid,fnr

    Replace dbid and fnr with the database ID and file number, respectively, of the Adabas Review repository.

    The Adabas Review repository may not reside on a database with a database ID (DBID) of 255. If the database ID is 255, Adabas Review cannot be accessed in local or hub mode. However, a database with a DBID of 255 can send data to a hub.

  3. Reassemble and link the NATPARM module to your Natural nucleus.

  4. To use the Software AG Editor display programs (DISPLAY=EDITOR in CONFIGDB), make sure the Software AG Editor is active and setup properly. Either setup a work file for the Software AG Editor, or set the EDPSIZE. For more information see section Operating the Software AG Editor in the Natural for Mainframes documentation.

Step 3. Define Adabas Review libraries to Natural Security

Start of instruction setIf Natural Security is installed, complete the following steps:

  1. Define the SYSREVDB library for the Adabas Review system and the SYSREVDU library for the Adabas Review user profiles to Natural Security. Verify that the LIST command is allowed in the SYSREVDU library and that the READ command is allowed for the SYSREVDB library.

    If the Adabas Review application SYSREVDB is made private (i.e., the parameter People-protected=Y is specified), each user of Adabas Review must be linked to the SYSREVDB application.

  2. Define Adabas Review files to Natural Security as public DDMs:


Step 4. Make AOSASM available to the Natural Nucleus

AOSASM is delivered in the Adabas load library. If Adabas Online Services (AOS) are installed, AOSASM is already available.

Start of instruction setTo make AOSASM available to the Natural nucleus

  • For a Com-plete or CICS environment, link the correct object module with the Natural TP nucleus.

    If a split Natural nucleus is to be installed, the AOSASM module must be linked to the shared portion of the nucleus and not to the thread portion.

Install the Adabas Review Repository

This section applies to both local and hub mode installations.

The Adabas Review repository is a system file used for storing descriptions of interactive reports, target definitions, and for saving historical data accumulated by Adabas Review reports. Any Adabas file may be used to contain the Adabas Review repository. The corresponding file number should also be reflected in the NATPARMs used to invoke Adabas Review.

Hub mode only: The Adabas Review repository can be created on any database accessible to Natural. It does not need to be on a database that is monitored by the Adabas Review hub.

This step includes the following substeps:

Users loading a new Adabas Review repository should run Steps 1 and 2 only and omit Step 3. Users converting the Adabas Review repository from a previous release should omit Steps 1 and 2 and run Step 3 only.

Step 1. Modify the JCL for loading the Adabas Review repository

Before submitting the job REVLOAD provided in the Adabas Review jobs library, change:

  • the DBID=dbid parameter in the two ADARUN statements to reflect the DBID number of the database that will contain this file;

    The Adabas Review repository may not reside on a database with a database ID (DBID) of 255. If the database ID is 255, Adabas Review cannot be accessed in local or hub mode. However, a database with a DBID of 255 can send data to a hub.

  • the SVC=svc parameter of the same two ADARUN statements to reflect the number of the SVC used for the database defined in the above step; and

  • the ADALOD LOAD FILE=fnr statement to reflect the number of the file that will contain the Adabas Review file.

Step 2. Load the Adabas Review repository file

Load the Adabas Review repository file using the job REVLOAD modified in step 1.

Step 3. Convert your repository and history file

If you used the same repository file for a version of Adabas Review older than this release, Adabas Review requires that you convert your repository file and history data prior to running any new reports in this release of Adabas Review. For complete information on doing this, read Migration from Previous Versions .

Install Adabas Review under Adabas

This section includes the following steps:

Step 1. Modify the Adabas initialization parameters

For information about the relevant ADARUN parameters, read ADARUN Parameters for Adabas Review. Then modify the Adabas ADARUN parameters to include the following:

  • local mode only:

  • hub mode only for each database to be monitored by Adabas Review:

    ADARUN UEX5=user-exit  (optional)

    where hubid is the Adabas Review hub ID and UEX5 is optional (see Operations).

    For running the Review processor in local or hub mode the ADARUN parameter LOGGING can be set to NO, only if the command log will be used later as input for Review batch it is necessary together with the appropriate other parameters such as ADARUN LOGCB=YES, LOGCLEX=YES etc.

Step 2. Modify the Adabas Startup JCL

Perform one of the sets of steps below, depending on whether you are installing Adabas Review in local mode or in hub mode:

Local Mode

Before you modify the Adabas startup JCL, you may need to increase the REGION parameter for the Adabas nucleus job step to accommodate Adabas Review. An increase of one megabyte is normal.

This section covers the following topics:

RVUALT Considerations
  • The RVUALT DD statement refers to the data set that contains the alternate history file. You may use the same data set you used for earlier versions.

  • The MAKEALT member of the jobs library contains sample JCL to create a RVUALT data set.

  • If Adabas Review is installed on multiple databases, a RVUALT data set must be allocated for each database.

  • Refer to the Operations for RVUALT guidelines.

RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 Considerations
  • The RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 DD statements refer to the data sets that contain the report definitions for autostarted reports. These statements point to members of a PDS; however, they may be defined to point to sequential data sets if desired.

  • You can use the distributed RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 files from earlier versions.

In a future release of Adabas Review, RVUAUT2 will no longer be supported. RVUAUT1 only will be used for autostarted reports.

Start of instruction setTo modify the Adabas startup JCL for local mode:

  1. Add the following DD statements to the Adabas startup JCL, replacing the vrs with the current version, revision, and system maintenance level number for Adabas Review:

  2. Add the Adabas Review load library to the Adabas STEPLIB concatenation.

    To retain APF authorization for Adabas, you must authorize the Adabas Review load library as well when it is added to the Adabas STEPLIB concatenation.

Hub Mode: Client Interface Installation for a Database

Start of instruction setTo install the Adabas Review client interface, repeat the following instructions for each database to be monitored. Note that each database to be monitored must use the same SVC as the Adabas Review hub.

  1. Apply the required zaps.

  2. Ensure that an unmodified ADALNK is available to Adabas in the Adabas load library or in a library concatenated before the Adabas load library.

    ADALNK is loaded by Adabas to send information to the Adabas Review hub. Link routine exits such as RDBLXMVS or UEXB are not useful for the process of sending data to the hub and create unnecessary overhead when included in the ADALNK.

    Put ADALNKs that include exits into another library.

    If an ADALNK batch link routine has been linked or modified by Software AG product modules or user exits, it cannot be used in any application startups of Adabas utility jobs or Adabas, Entire System Server, Adabas Review Hub, or Entire Net-Work nuclei.

  3. Modify the ADARUN parameters of the database.

  4. If the Adabas ADARUN parameter LOGCLEX=Y is specified to write the Review specific Command Log Extension (CLEX) to the command log, the Adabas Review library must be available in the client address space. If Review modules are not available, the warning message ARVU20 is issued.

  5. Restart Adabas.

Install the Adabas Review Hub

To install the Adabas Review Hub, complete the steps described in this section:

Step 1. Create a RVUALT data set

Use the sample JCL member MAKEALT.

This alternate history file is used to contain history information if Adabas Review is unable to access the Adabas Review repository. You may use the same data set you used for earlier versions. Refer to Operations for RVUALT guidelines.

Step 2. Modify the sample JCL member HUBJCL

  • Correct any library names or file names.

  • Modify the ADARUN parameter REVIEW=hubid to reflect the target ID you plan to use for the Adabas Review hub.

  • Modify the ADARUN parameter SVC to reflect the correct SVC number. This SVC must be the same as that used by the sending Adabas nuclei.

    The ADARUN parameters supplied in the sample JCL member HUBJCL are the only ones recognized for setting up the hub nucleus. For more information about these ADARUN parameters, read ADARUN Parameters for Adabas Review.

    Software AG recommends that you set the dispatching priority of the Adabas Review hub higher than that of the sending Adabas nuclei.

  • The RVUALT DD statement refers to the data set that contains the alternate history file.

  • The RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 DD statements refer to the data sets that contain the report definitions for autostarted reports. These statements point to members of a PDS; however, they may be defined to point to sequential data sets if desired.

    You can use the RVUAUT1 and RVUAUT2 files distributed with Adabas Review.

    The reports contained in the RVUAUTn files have a TARGET= parameter that specifies the database that the report will monitor. The default setting is TARGET=001. You may wish to change this setting.

Step 3. Start the HUBJCL job

The STEPLIB needs to be APF-authorized.

Optional Installation Procedures

The following optional installation procedures may be completed as part of Phase 1 of the Adabas Review installation:

Implement Support for Adabas Native SQL

From within Adabas Native SQL, use the global ADACALL statement with the LAST parameter to specify that the Adabas call will use the seventh parameter.

Refer to the Adabas Native SQL documentation.

Implement Support for Reporting from Batch Natural

This (optional) step applies both to local and hub mode installations.

Start of instruction setTo report on Natural activity from a batch Natural job: