Adabas Extensions for Adabas Analytics

The current version of Adabas includes the following extensions, which enable you to work more easily with Adabas Analytics:

Extension Purpose
ADAELP Event log report. Used to print events from the Adabas Analytics event log.
ADAELA Event Analytics configuration tool. Used to help you set up the Adabas Analytics component.

This documentalso includes a section that contains administration information.

ADAELP (Event Log Report)

This section describes the utility "ADAELP".

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The ADAELP utility prints events from an event log created by Adabas Analytics.

Event logging must be enabled and the replication user exit must be loaded in order to write event logs. For further information see the section Concepts.

The ADAELP parameters USER_ID, HOSTNAME and EVENT_TIMESTAMP select a subset of the events in the event log.

In the interactive mode, ADAELP displays the selected events when the keyword LIST is entered. If ADAELP is called with parameters, the selected events are displayed immediately.

Events are displayed as follows: a first line with the event type is followed by lines that contain the field data of the event in question. The display of an event is concluded with the event type being repeated on the last line.

Example output

start read event
  event_timestamp=16-JUL-2015 11:51:01.977020
  tsid=68 ba 56 02 fb 1a 05 00
end read event

This utility is a single-function utility.

Procedure Flow


Data Set Environment
Logical Name
Additional Information
Event log ELPELG Disk  
Control statements stdin   see section Control Parameters
ADAELP report stdout    


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

D    DBID = number

    EVENT_TIMESTAMP = ([absolute-date][,[absolute-date]])

    HOSTNAME = string


    USER_ID = string


DBID = number

This parameter specifies the database ID of the database for which the event log was written.



This parameter selects the log records in the range specified by the optional date strings. The date strings must correspond to the following absolute date and time format:


Leading zeroes in the date and time specification may be omitted. Any numbers not specified are set to 0, for example 28-jul-2015 is equivalent to 28-jul-2015:00:00:00.000000.

By default, all log records are selected.


adaelp: event_timestamp=8-aug-2015

The event with event_timestamp 8-AUG-2015 00:00:00 is selected.

adaelp: event_timestamp=(8-aug-2015:12,)

All events with time_stamp from 8-AUG-2015 12:00:00 onwards are selected.

adaelp: event_timestamp=(,8-aug-2012:12:34)

All events with time_stamp before 8-AUG-2015 12:34:00 are selected.

adaelp: event_timestamp=(16-JUL-2015 11:51:01.977020, 16-JUL-2015 11:51:02.177000)

All events with event_timestamp from 16-JUL-2015 11:51:01.977020 to 16-JUL-2015 11:51:02.177000 are selected.


HOSTNAME = string

This parameter selects all events with the hostname specified by 'string'. The length of the parameter value is limited to 8 characters.



This parameter lists the events selected with the parameters DBID, EVENT_TIMESTAMP, HOSTNAME and USER_ID.


USER_ID = string

This parameter selects all events with the user ID specified by 'string'. The length of the parameter value is limited to 8 characters.

Specifying Multiple Selection Criteria

If multiple selection criteria are specified, they are combined by a logical AND, e.g.

event_timestamp=(8-aug-2015:12:34,), user_id = guest, hostname = machine3

This selects all events after 8-aug-2015:12:34 with user_id = guest and hostname = machine3.

ADAELA (Event Analytics Administration)

This section describes the utility "ADAELA".

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The administration utility ADAELA configures the Event Analytics add-on. It does not require the Adabas nucleus to be active, but if changes are made to the configuration, the nucleus must be restarted in order to make them active.

More than one event type can be added or removed during a single run of the utility. It is also possible to both add and remove event types during a single run. If more than one add_eventtype,… and/or remove=eventtype,… statement is issued, each statement must be finished with the keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE.

If there is already a configuration present, it will be overwritten.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

Procedure Flow


Data Set Environment
Logical Name
Additional Information
Database configuration   DBnnn.ini  
Event types store   eventtypes.txt  
Control statements stdin/SYS$INPUT   see section Control Parameters
ADAELA messages stdout/SYS$OUTPUT   Messages and Codes


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

           [ ,server_keywords] 
           [ ,nucelg_keywords] 
           [ ,eventtype_keywords]
           [ ,filter_keywords]

M   DBID = number






D            [,HOST=string]
D            [,PORT=number]
D            [,RECONNECT_TIMEOUT=number]
D            [,RETRY=number]
D            [,ON_ERROR=keyword]

This parameter adds the Analytics Server configuration to the DBnnn.INI file. It is not possible to use the Analytics Server in parallel to writing events into a file (see NUCELG). If there is already a configuration for the NUCELG file present, it will be deleted.


The hostname where the Analytics Server is running. The default is localhost, which assumes that the server will run on the same host as the Adabas nucleus for the best performance.


The TCP/IP listen port number of the Analytics Server. The default value is 6521. The port number must match the port number configured in the Analytics Server.


If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the time (in seconds) that the Adabas nucleus waits between reconnect attempts to the Analytics Server. The default is 1.

Reconnect attempts are time consuming and have a negative impact on the Adabas performance.


If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the number of reconnect attempts. The default is 0, which means "try continuously".

If the maximum number of attempts is not 0, and if the maximum number of reconnect attempts is reached without reconnecting successfully, event logging will be deactivated.


This parameter defines the behavior of the Adabas nucleus in case an error occurs with the Analytics Server. The default is IGNORE. ‘keyword’ can take one of the following values:

Keyword Meaning
ABORT The Adabas nucleus will abort on any error condition with the Analytics Server.
IGNORE The Adabas nucleus will attempt to reconnect to the Analytics Server.


D            [,TIME_SWITCH=number]
D            [,EVENT_SWITCH=number]
D            [,ELGFILE=path]

This parameter adds the configuration for writing events to a file. It is not possible to use the Analytics Server in parallel to writing events into a file. If there is already a configuration for the Analytics Server present, it will be deleted.


The time (in seconds) that elapses before starting a new log file. The default value is 0, which means that the log file is never switched after a given time.


The number of events that have to occur before starting a new log file. The default value is 0, which means that the log file is never switched after a given number of events.


The fully-qualified path name for the log file. The default is $ADADATADIR/dbnnn/NUCELG or %ADADATADIR%\dbnnn\NUCELG. A numbering suffix will be added automatically.


                ,FIELDS=(keyword [,keyword] …)
D              [,FILE=path]
D              [,END_OF_EVENTTYPE]

This parameter adds an event-type definition to the event types file.


The name of the event type.


The fully-qualified path name to the file which stores the event types.


The area where the event will be created. keyword can take one of the following values:

Keyword Meaning

The event is based on the Adabas Control Block. After a regular Adabas command has been processed, an event that depends on the command code will be sent.

The area defines also which fields are available for the event.

FIELDS = (keyword [,keyword] …)

A list of the fields for the event type. The following fields are available:

Keyword Area Type, Length Meaning
event_timestamp POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Timestamp when the event was generated
Dbid POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code POST_COMMAND String, 2 Adabas command code
response_code POST_COMMAND Integer,4 Nucleus response code
Pid POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Process ID
hostname POST_COMMAND String, 8 Host name
user_id POST_COMMAND String, 8 User ID
Tsid POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Unique identifier
natapplication POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural application name
natprogram POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural program name
natlevel POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Natural call level
natcount POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Number of Adabas calls since last IO
natexec POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed
natuser POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural user ID
natstatement POST_COMMAND String, 4 Natural statement number
Natlib POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural library name
natrpcclientuid POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid POST_COMMAND String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid POST_COMMAND String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup POST_COMMAND String, 8 Natural security group
additions1 POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Additions 1 field
duration POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Command duration in microseconds
command_opt1 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Command option 1 field
command_opt2 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Command option 2 field
asso_io_count POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the ASSO container
data_io_count POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the DATA container
work_io_count POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the WORK container
compressed_rec_lng POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Compressed record length returned by READ or a FIND command stored in the database
decompressed_rec_lng POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Decompressed record length stored in the database after command completes
descriptor_count POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Counter for updated descriptor per Adabas call stored in database
cq_wait_duration POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Duration in microseconds for a command in command queue before dispatching into an Adabas thread
isn_lower_limit POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Adabas ISN Lower Limit
isn_quantity POST_COMMAND Integer, 4 Adabas ISN Quantity
command_opt3 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 3 of the processed call
command_opt4 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 4 of the processed call
command_opt5 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 5 of the processed call
command_opt6 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 6 of the processed call
command_opt7 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 7 of the processed call
command_opt8 POST_COMMAND Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 8 of the processed call
additions2 POST_COMMAND Binary, 4 Contains the additions2 field of the issued call
additions3 POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Contains the additions3 field of the issued call
additions4 POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Contains the additions4 field of the issued call
additions5 POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Contains the additions5 field of the issued call
additions6 POST_COMMAND Binary, 8 Contains the additions6 field of the issued call
Error_offset POST_COMMAND Integer, 8 Error offset in buffer
Error_field POST_COMMAND String, 2 Error character field


The keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE must be specified if more than one event type is added, or if an event type is added and one or more event types are removed.


D            [ ,filter_keywords]

This parameter adds filter keywords to a file.

The following keywords are available:

Keyword Meaning
FILE_FILTER This keyword specifies the Adabas files for which events are generated. You can specify a list of files; the list can contain single files (<file1>, <file2>) or a range of files (<file3> - <file4>). If this keyword is omitted, events are generated for all Adabas files in the database.
EVENT_FILTER This keyword specifies the types of events that are generated. The names and details of each event type are described in the section Adabas Analytics Event Types. If this keyword is omitted, all event types are generated for the files specified by the FILES keyword.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.



This parameter disables the event logging feature.



This parameter display information about the event logging. The following keywords can be specified:

Keyword Meaning
CONFIGURATION Displays the configuration of the event logging. The information is taken from the DBnnn.INI file.
EVENTTYPES Displays all configured event types.



This parameter enables the event logging feature.



This parameter removes the server configuration. The section TARGET_SERVER will be removed from the DBnnn.INI file.


This parameter removes the NUCELG configuration.


This parameter removes an event type with the specified name from the event types file.

The keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE must be specified if more than one event type is removed, or if an event type is removed and one or more event types are added.

Adminstration of Adabas Extensions for Adabas Analytics

The configuration of Adabas Analytics is stored in two files: the DBnnn.INI file and the eventtypes.txt file; both are located in the database directory ($ADADATADIR/dbnnn). Before you start to configure, ensure that the database and the DBnnn.INI file already exist.

Parameter Reference

Adabas Analytics uses a new topic [EVENT_ANALYTICS] in the configuration file DBnnn.INI. This section describes the keywords and subtopics contained in the [EVENT_ANALYTICS] topic. The corresponding command for the administration utility ADAELA is shown in square brackets below each parameter description.


This topic stores the configuration of Adabas Analytics, with the exception of the NUCELG parameter, which is stored under the topic CONTAINERS.


This keyword activates/deactivates Adabas Analytics. If this keyword is omitted, Adabas Analytics is switched off. Valid keywords are YES and NO.

[adaela dbid=nnn enable|disable]


adaela dbid=10 enable

The event analytics (logging) feature for database ID 10 is enabled (activated). In the topic [EVENT_ANALYTICS] of DB010.INI, action is set to YES.


This target describes the configuration when writing the events to a file.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_nucelg]


This keyword is used to switch to a new NUCELG file after count events have been written to the NUCELG file. The new file will be created with an increased suffix number, e.g. NUCELG.0002, NUCELG.0003... If this keyword is omitted, all events are logged to a single NUCELG file.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_nucelg, event_switch=number]


adaela dbid=10 add_nucelg event_switch=100

This keyword is used to switch to a new NUCELG file after 100 events have been written to the NUCELG file.

SWITCH_AFTER_TIME = <time in seconds>

This keyword is used to switch to a new NUCELG file after time in seconds has passed and a new event is to be generated. The new file will be created with an increased suffix number, e.g. NUCELG.0002, NUCELG.0003... If this keyword is omitted, all events are logged to a single NUCELG file.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_nucelg, time_switch=number]


adaela dbid=10 add_nucelg time_switch=5

This keyword is used to switch to a new NUCELG file after time 5 seconds has passed and a new event is to be generated.


The NUCELG parameter is the path name to the file for the events written by the nucleus. The default is $ADADATADIR/dbnnn/NUCELG. A numbering suffix will be added automatically, e.g. NUCELG.0001, NUCELG.0002...

[adaela dbid=nnn add_nucelg, elgfile=path]

Subtopic FILTER

The subtopic FILTER has two keywords: FILES and EVENT_TYPES. These keywords are used to determine which types of events are generated for which Adabas files.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_filter]

FILES = (list)

This keyword specifies the Adabas files for which events are generated. You can specify a list of files; the list can contain single files (<file1>, <file2>) or a range of files (<file3> - <file4>). If this keyword is omitted, events are generated for all Adabas files in the database.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_filter, file_filter=(n-m)]


adaela dbid=10 add_filter,file_filter=(9-12)

Events are generated for Adabas files 9 to 12. In the topic [FILTER] of DB010.INI, FILES is set to (9-12).

EVENT_TYPES = (list)

This keyword specifies the types of events that are generated. The names and details of each event type are described in the section Adabas Analytics Event Types. If this keyword is omitted, all event types are generated for the files specified by the FILES keyword.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_filter, event_filter=(event_type [,event_type] …)]


adaela dbid=10 add_filter,event_filter=(read,update)

Read and update types of event are generated. In the topic [FILTER] of DB010.INI, EVENT_TYPES is set to read.


The subtopic TARGET_EAL_SERVER contains the configuration parameters necessary to send the events to the Adabas Analytics Server.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server]

HOST = <host name>

The host name or IP address where the Analytics Server is running. The default is localhost.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server, host=name]

PORT = <number>

The port number on which the Analytics Server is listening.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server,port=nnn]


adaela dbid=10 add_server,host=winabc2, port=5000

Analytics Server is running on winabc2. The default is localhost, which assumes that the server will run on the same host as the Adabas nucleus for the best performance. Analytics Server is listening from port number 5000.

MAX_RETRIES = <number>

If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the number of reconnect attempts. The default is 0, which means ‘try continuously’. A reconnect attempt is only made if there is an Adabas command active at this time.

If the maximum number of attempts is not 0, and if the maximum number of reconnect attempts is reached without reconnecting successfully, the event logging will be deactivated.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server, retry=nnn]


Select ABORT if you want to abort the Adabas nucleus if a connection error between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server occurs. Select IGNORE if you want to continue with the Adabas nucleus if a connection error between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server; in this case, an automatic reconnect mechanism is enabled (see also MAX_RETRIES and RECONNECT_TIMEOUT).

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server, on_error=keyword]


If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the number of seconds the Adabas nucleus waits between retrying to connect to the Analytics Server. The default is 1. A reconnect attempt is only made if there is an Adabas command active at this time.

[adaela dbid=nnn add_server, reconnect_timeout=nnn]

Adabas Event Types Reference

The following event types are pre-defined and cannot be changed:

Event Type Area Field Type, Length Description
read POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
update POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
insert POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
delete POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
commit POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
rollback POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
nat_read POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String,8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
nat_update POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
nat_insert POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 3 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
nat_delete POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 3 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
nat_commit POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 3 Client user ID
tsid Binary,8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
nat_rollback POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code String, 3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 3 Client user ID
tsid Binary,8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
ada_perf POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_code Sting,3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
additions1 Binary, 8 Contains the Additions 1 field of the issued call
duration Integer, 4 Contains the time, in microseconds, that Adabas took to process the call
copt1 Character, 2 Contains the value of the Command Options 1 field of the processed call
copt2 Character, 2 Contains the value of the Command Options 2 field of the processed call
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
nat_perf POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
  dbid Integer, 8 Database ID
file_number Integer, 8 Adabas file number
command_code String,3 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 8 Adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn Integer, 8 Adabas ISN
additions1 Binary, 8 Contains the Additions 1 field of the issued call
duration Integer, 4 Contains the time, in microseconds, that Adabas took to process the call
copt1 Character, 2 Contains the value of the Command Options 1 field of the processed call
copt2 Character, 2 Contains the value of the Command Options 2 field of the processed call
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since the last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Nautural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client user ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group


  1. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are only filled when using Natural version 8.4.1 or later, with the parameter ADAPRM set to ON.
  2. The length for all fields of type string additionally have the string termination byte.

User-Defined Event Types

User-defined event types are stored in the file eventtypes.txt, which is located in the database directory. The event type consists of:

  • A unique event type name

  • The area in the Adabas nucleus where the event is triggered

  • A list of fields. The available fields are dependent on the area; e.g. the POST_COMMAND area defines most of the fields of the Adabas control block.

You can define an event type with the utility ADAELA:

adaela: dbid=nnn, add_eventtype, name=<name>, area=<keyword>, fields=(field1, field2, ...) [file=<path>]
Parameter Type, Length Description
name String, 255 Name of the event type
area Keyword Area in the nucleus where the event will be triggered. See Event Types Area Reference below for a list of available areas.
fields List of keywords List of field names. See Event Types Fields Reference below for a list of available fields for the appropriate area.

Event type name cannot be used with the reserved event type keyword. Please refer to Adabas Event Types Reference.


adaela dbid=10 add_eventtype,name=demo,area=post_command,fields=(event_timestamp,dbid,file_number)

This parameter adds an event type called demo to the event types file eventtypes.txt. The default location for this file is in the database directory (ADADATADIR/db010). You may choose different location by specifying file=<path>.

Event Types Area Reference

The following table shows the available areas:

Area Name Description
POST_COMMAND The event will be triggered after an Adabas command has been fully processed, and before the results are posted to the user.

Event Types Field Reference

The following table shows the fields available for each area:

Area Field Name Type, Length Description
POST_COMMAND event_timestamp Integer, 8 Creation time of this event
dbid Integer, 4 Database ID
file_number Integer, 4 Adabas file number
command_id String, 2 Adabas command code
response_code Integer, 4 adabas response code
pid Integer, 8 Client process ID
isn integer, 8 Adabas ISN
hostname String, 8 Client hostname
user_id String, 8 Client user ID
tsid Binary, 8 Unique marker of the Adabas client
natapplication* String, 8 Name of the Natural application issuing the call
natprogram* String, 8 Name of the Natural program issuing the call
natlevel* Integer, 4 Number of Adabas calls since last IO
natcount* Integer, 8 Number of times a Natural object has been executed (internal)
natexec* Integer, 8 Natural call level of the program executed
natuser* String, 8 The Natural user issuing the call
natstatement* String, 4 Natural statement number
natlib* String, 8 The Natural library issuing the call
natrpcclientuid* String, 8 Natural RPC client ID
natrpcid* String, 16 Natural RPC ID
natrpcconvid* String, 16 Natural RPC conversation ID
natsecgroup* String, 8 Natural security group
additions1 Binary, 8 Contains the Additions 1 field of the issued call
duration Integer, 4 Contains the time, in microseconds, that Adabas took to process the call
command_opt1 Character, 2 Contains the value of Command Option 1 of the processed call
command_opt2 Character, 2 Contains the value of Command Option 2 of the processed call
asso_io_count Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the ASSO container
data_io_count Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the DATA container
work_io_count Integer, 8 Number of the I/O read or writes to the WORK container
compressed_rec_lng Integer, 4 Compressed record length returned by READ or a FIND command stored in the database
decompressed_rec_lng Integer, 4 Decompressed record length stored in the database after command completes
descriptor_count Integer, 4 Counter for updated descriptor per Adabas call stored in database
cq_wait_duration Integer, 8 Duration in microseconds for a command in command queue before dispatching into an Adabas thread
isn_lower_limit Integer, 4 Adabas ISN Lower Limit
isn_quantity Integer, 4 Adabas ISN Quantity
command_opt3 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 3 of the processed call
command_opt4 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 4 of the processed call
command_opt5 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 5 of the processed call
command_opt6 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 6 of the processed call
command_opt7 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 7 of the processed call
command_opt8 Character, 2 Contains the value of command option 8 of the processed call
additions2 Binary, 4 Contains the additions2-field of the issued call
additions3 Binary, 8 Contains the additions3-field of the issued call
additions4 Binary, 8 Contains the additions4-field of the issued call
additions5 Binary, 8 Contains the additions5-field of the issued call
additions6 Binary, 8 Contains the additions6-field of the issued call
Error_offset Integer, 8 Error offset in buffer
Error_field String, 2 Error character field


  1. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are only filled when using Natural version 8.4.1 or later, with the parameter ADAPRM set to ON.
  2. The length for all fields of type string additionally have the string termination byte.

Event Types Filter

The filter mechanism gives you control over the events that are generated. You can filter the events by the following criteria:

  • Adabas file number

  • Event type

You can filter by Adabas file number only, by event type only, or you can combine both filters.

It is not currently possible to filter the user-defined event types.

Adabas files can be specified as a comma-separated list of single file numbers, or ranges of file numbers, or a combination of both. The event types can be specified as a comma-separated list of single event types. For a list of event types, see Adabas Event Types Reference.