Version 1.1.1
 —  Data Masking  —

Masking Multi-Record Type Fixed Width Files

When masking multi-record type fixed width files, the path to the definition files is created by prefixing each filedef name with the filedefdir and suffixing it with dm.txt. For example (using the connection file below): c:\sdmmapper\flatdefs\


The first filedef in the list can specify options which apply to the whole file - HEADER, TRAILER, DATEQUOTED, CHARQUOTED, LINETERM or NULLIND.

None of the options above can be specified in other filedefs. For multi-format masking, all record definitions must have DELIM=FIXED specified.

A record type is identified by the RECTYPE parameter on the first line, for example, RECTYPE=01_SAZART_X3:”000”. This parameter names a field within the record and gives a literal value which must be matched for that record type to apply. Field definitions consist of the field name, length and, optionally, a field datatype (Date or Numeric, not case sensitive) and mask value (a mask is assumed to be a date unless show to be something else). The field definition must follow the format below:


Where 04_ERSTELLDATUM_D10 is the field name, which is 10 bytes long and contains a date in the format "DD.MM.YYYY"

A datatype must be followed by a colon and mask value in double quotations.

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