Version 1.1.1
 —  Data Masking  —

Managing Primary Keys and Foreign Keys

If you wish to mask primary keys, unique indexes or any matching columns using foreign keys you may have to drop these before masking and reapply them after masking. Ask your DBA to provide a script or use Datamaker to generate any scripts you need.

When you do mask primary keys you need to be careful if you are likely to create duplicate values as you go. For example, if you have some ID values of 2,5,7,8,100 and you apply a SEQNUMBER masking function starting at 100 then the value 2 will be updated to a value of 100 which is a duplicate.

In addition, masking tables without a primary key can be slow as most databases try and perform a full table update. If you have any questions please contact before you begin the masking.

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