The CONNX JDBC Router component is only necessary if Web applications are served by a Web server located on a different machine than the JDBC Server. The router is necessary because applet security states that a socket connection must be made only to the Web server machine.

The router is a Java application placed on the Web server. It is stored in the connxRouter.jar file which is located in C:\CONNX32\CONNXJDBC\java\jar\connxRouter.jar, and in the redistributable Java jar file, C:\CONNX32\CONNXJDBC\java\ftp\CONNXjdbcftp.jar.


The parameters for the router are as follows:

 IP# of CONNX JDBC Server

 Port# of CONNX JDBC Server

 Port# of CONNX JDBC Router


The router can be invoked as a Java application with the following command, typed within your Java program code:


Java -classpath <location 
 and name of CONNXRouter.jar> com.CONNX.Router.TCRouter <machine 
 name of CONNX JDBC Server or machine ip address or alias> <PORT# 
 of CONNX JDBC Server> <Port# of Router>
Java -classpath C:\CONNX32\CONNXJDBC\java\jar\connxRouter.jar 
 com.CONNX.Router.TCRouter MyServerMachine127.00.00.01 7500 7503


The Java client applications must connect to the Java Router, and address the fact that the Port number may differ from the default.

Note: It is recommended that the JDBC Server run on the same machine as the Web server.  The JDBC Router is only used in environments where this is not possible.


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