Preparing a MySQL database as a source


When replicating with MySQL as the source database, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. The version of MySQL must be 5.6 or later.

  2. Transaction logging must be enabled and the following MySQL values must be set in the my.ini file:

    1. binlog_format=ROW.

    2. binlog_row_image=FULL

    3. log-bin="<basename>-bin" Note: basename is typically the name of the server MySQL is installed on.

  3. When importing a MySQL data source into a CDD for use with replication, do not use "localhost" as the server name.  Instead, use the actual server name or IP address.

The following restrictions apply:

  1. BLOB/CLOB data types, JSON, GEOMETRY and ENUM are not supported.

  2. MySQL must reside on Windows or Linux.