This contains the UNIX installation systems with for JDBC servers. The installation started in CONNX Installation Procedure - UNIX.
If necessary, edit the UNIX JDBC server startup procedure.
The default JDBC port is 7500. If necessary, use the CONNX SQL Registry to change CONNX.JDBC.PORT from 7500 to the correct port number:
At the command prompt, enter ./sqlregistry
Select option 2 to create a registry key and value
Select option 0 for an integer value
Enter the correct port number
Enter 5 to exit the the /sqlregistry program
Create the UNIX JDBC DSNs
At the command prompt, enter ./createJDBCDSN
At the command prompt, use the format <DSN> <CDD> [comment] where
DSN = top level name of the CONNX JDBC data source name
CDD = the fully qualified path to the CONNX CDD. The CDD must be located on a UNIX system.
Start the UNIX JDBC Server. If the installation is successful, a JDBC server started successfully message appears.