CONNX Installation Procedure - Docker

CONNX provides Docker scripts that facilitate the creation of Docker images for the CONNX components on the Linux operating system.

Docker scripts are provided for the CONNX Data Server, the CONNX License server, and the CONNX JDBC server.  The follow section will over the JDBC server and the License server.


The installation instructions for your Linux system can be found on the Empower web site.

  1. Download the appropriate Linux installation package from Empower to your computer.

  2.  Double-click on the installation package icon to launch the Install Shield Wizard for CONNX Client.


  3. If the target system has an FTP, SFTP or SCP server enabled, skip to step 5.

  4. If the target system does not have an FTP, SFTP or SCP server enabled, select the Manual Copy Installation option and click the Begin Client Installation button.  This option will create the necessary install files in the UNIXCLIENT\TEMPINST subdirectory of the CONNX installation directory.  Move these files via an alternate copy method to the Unix server and then proceed to step 11 below.

  5. Select the Docker checkbox.

  6. Select the desired transfer method (FTP, SFTP or SCP)

  7. In the Server text box, enter the TCP/IP host name or address for your system platform.

  8. In the User ID text box, enter a privileged user account name.

  9. In the Password text box, enter a user account password. (The password appears as ********).

    Note: Server, User ID and Password are required fields.

  10. By default, the CONNX client data is sent to your home directory. If you wish to send it to another location, enter the name of the alternate directory in the UNIX Directory text box.  If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created.

  11. Click the Install button. This action starts an FTP, SFTP or SCP session and copies the selected components to the target server. The progress of the copy will be displayed in the status pane on the installer..

  12. An ftp window appears saying the files were successfully copied to the system.

  13. If the CONNX client is not installed, an error box appears. Select Files from the menu.  The sub menu has options to view the FTP log as well as the FTP script.  The FTP logs have a timestamp appended to the name.  Select the appropriate log file and check for errors.  If the resolution to the problem requires a call to technical support, please provide the log file as well as the script file to the support representative.

    Note: If the files fail to copy via the Client Installation's FTP, SFTP or SCP session, please use the Manual Copy Installation as outlined in step 4 above.

  14. Once the files are copied, a dialog box appears asking you to log on to your system and run the installclient shell script.


  15. To build the Docker image, start a terminal emulator on the Linux server and type the appropriate user name and password.  

  16. Navigate to the directory you specified in the windows file transfer GUI.  This directory will contain several files, including two template Docker files.

    Dockerfile.jdbcserver is the template for building a Docker image for the JDBC Server.
    This script should be modified to include your custom configuration settings and DSN entries.
    The CDDs used by the docker image are externalized, and should be placed in the host docker system.
    Please refer to Completing CONNX Installation for JDBC Servers for the specific commands to add to the docker script for creating DSNs.
    Examples are also provided directly in the docker script.


  17. After the Dockerfile.jdbcserver has been updated to include DSN and other configuration settings, build a docker image for the CONNX license server, use the following command:

    (replace XXX with the current CONNX version number - 138 for example for 13.8)

    docker build -t connxXXXjdbcserver . -f./Dockerfile.jdbcserver


           docker build -t connx138jdbcserver . -f./Dockerfile.jdbcserver

  18. The final output should read:

    Successfully tagged connxXXXjdbcserver:latest.

  19. The next step is to build a docker image for the CONNX license server.  No modification of the supplied docker script should be required.
    Run the following command:

    (replace XXX with the current CONNX version number - 138 for example for 13.8)

    docker build -t connxXXXlicenseserver . -f./Dockerfile.licenseserver


           docker build -t connx138licenseserver . -f./Dockerfile.licenseserver

  20. The final output should read:

    Successfully tagged connxXXXlicenseserver:latest.

  21. To run the CONNX JDBC docker image, use the following command:

    (replace XXX with the current CONNX version number - 138 for example for 13.8)

    docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"  --name cnxclient -v <Config file location>:/config:z -p <external port>:7502 connxXXXjdbcserver


        docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"  --name cnxclient -v /home/cnxuser/config:/config:z -p 20002:7502 connx138jdbcserver

    The <Config file location> should contain the CONNXREG64.db file which holds the CONNX configuration information for the JDBC server.
         This directory should also contain your CONNX CDD files.
         Ensure that the directory on the host system has an owner and group of sagadmin with an id of 1724.
    The <external port> should be the port number for connecting to the JDBC server.

  22. To run the CONNX license server docker image, use the following command:

    (replace XXX with the current CONNX version number - 138 for example for 13.8)

    docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"  --name cnxlicense -v <license file location>:/license:z -p <external port>:7501 connxXXXlicenseserver


        docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"  --name cnxclient -v /home/cnxuser/license:/license:z -p 20001:7501 connx138licenseserver

    The <license file location> should contain your CONNX license database - it will be created and maintained by the license server, and it is external from the docker image.
         Ensure that the directory on the host system has an owner and group of sagadmin with an id of 1724.
    The <external port> should be the port number for connecting to the license server.

  23. The first part of the Docker CONNX installation process is complete. Refer to the appropriate Post-Installation Checklist to complete any additional requirements for each database you install.

  24. Verifying the Build:

    Please refer to the following docker command reference to manage and verify the image and container.

    Show the available docker images:
       docker images

    Start the docker image - for example:
        docker run -d -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"  --name cnxclient -v /home/cnxuser/config:/config:z -p 20002:7502 connx138jdbcserver

    Show the log:
       docker logs cnxclient

    Show the containers:
       docker ps -a

    Stop the container:
       docker stop cnxclient

    Delete the container:
       docker rm cnxclient

    Remove the image:
       docker image rm connx138jdbcserver