User Application Requirements

In general, CONNX works with any ODBC-compliant application. Specifically, the programs listed here successfully utilize CONNX as a data access connectivity tool.


User Application Requirements

OLE DB - Windows only

OLE Automation (RPC) -
Windows only







Any application that supports OLE automation



Any JDBC-compliant application



Any ODBC- or OLE DB- compliant application





Apache Web Server


Borland C++


Borland Delphi



Borland JBuilder



Cognos Impromptu



Crystal Reports



Dharma ODBC Integrator




GIS (Geographical Information Software)

Internet Information Server (IIS)





Microsoft Access



Microsoft Excel (MSQuery)




Microsoft SQL Server (linked server technology)




Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)


Microsoft Visual Basic


Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)


Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Studio


Microsoft Visual Studio .NET



Netscape (iPlanet) Enterprise Server



Oracle Developer/Designer 2000




Oracle Discover




Oracle Heterogeneous Services




Paradox for Windows







Star Office




Sun Forte




Sun Netbeans




Sun Netra Web Server



Visual FoxPro for Windows