Database Terminology

For consistency, database references in this manual indicate the following:

Databases marked with a single asterisk (*) are supported from the Unix client via the CONNX Enterprise Server Service (see the CONNX User Reference Guide for procedural instructions). Databases marked with a double asterisk (**) include support for both Windows and Unix databases. The databases on Windows are accessed through the CONNX Enterprise Server Service from the Unix client.


RMS** – Compaq Record Management Services (RMS), a component of the VMS/OpenVMS operating system.

Rdb** – Oracle Rdb product, a relational database product originally developed by Digital Equipment Corporation.

DBMS** – The CODASYL DBMS product, a non-relational database product originally developed by Digital Equipment Corporation.

DataFlex* – Data Access Corporation products.

POWERflex* – POWERflex Corporation products.

DB2* – IBM DB2 products.

Oracle* – Oracle 8i and above.

OLE DB and ODBC Providers* – Any OLE DB or ODBC Provider-compliant data source. Examples include Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, among others.

JDBC** – Java Database Connectivity.

VSAM** – Virtual Storage Access Method, which supports key- or entry- sequenced and relative-record file systems on IBM mainframe operating systems (MVS, OS/390, VSE, z/OS).

IMS - Information Management System. Any of several system environments available with a database manager and transaction processing, capable of managing complex databases and terminal networks.

C-ISAM** – Indexed Sequential Files to which CONNX provides read/write access. With CONNX, C-ISAM files can resemble a relational database management system. Available on both Unix and Windows platforms.

DISAM** – With CONNX, DISAM files can resemble a relational database management system. Available on both Unix and Windows platforms.

Micro Focus** – Micro Focus product produced by Micro Focus International Limited. With CONNX, Micro Focus files can resemble a relational database management system. Available on both UNIX and Windows platforms.

PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL product produced by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group and the University of California.

Adabas - Adabas product produced by Software AG, and is available from the HP-UX**, Linux**, AIX**, Solaris**, and Windows* clients. The CONNX for Adabas module is also known as the Adabas SQL Gateway.