Selecting a Target Destination

Selecting a Target Destination involves selecting a target file for an appropriate database. The designer has a few choices to make in this section.

  1. Create a new table as the destination for the data?
    If so, select the first radio button "Specify a new table for the target...", select the database and owner, then specify the new table name.

  2. Use an existing table as the destination?
    If so, select the second radio button "Select an existing table to user for the Target..." and then use the drop down to choose the table.

  3. If an existing table is selected, does the table structure need to change for the transform?
    If so, the target table can be dropped and recreated with the new structure by selecting "Drop and re-create the existing target table"

  4. Track only changes to the source (For use with Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services)?
    In this case a target table is not necessary, select the third radio button "Create a change data capture synchronization..." and only changes in the source will be tracked.  See the section on Change Data Capture transforms for more information.


Click Next to proceed to Step 3: Sync