Error messages

Error message


 The CONNX Listener process (CNXRUN##_MAIN) is not running on the system.

The listener is not running or otherwise unavailable on the database server.

Colliding Schedules. This schedule will not be run.

You have overlapping schedules. Perhaps you have run the synchronization task on a basis that is too frequent for your Win32 synchronization server to keep up.  You can tell how long (in seconds) table synchronizations take to perform by performing the following query:




  timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND, a.LastSynchStart, a.LastSynchEnd) AS "seconds",




  a.DeletedRowCount ,



  CONNXDataSync..TableSynchronizations a,

  CONNXDataSync..TableList b


  a.TableID = b.TableID

ORDER BY  timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND,  a.LastSynchStart, a.LastSynchEnd) desc

You can tell how long (in seconds) groups take to synchronize with the following query:



  timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND, a.LastSynchStart, a.LastSynchEnd) AS "seconds",




  a.DeletedRowCount ,



  CONNXDataSync..GroupSynchronizations a,

  CONNXDataSync..Groups b


  a.GroupID = b.GroupID

ORDER BY  timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND,  a.LastSynchStart, a.LastSynchEnd) desc

If you do not require a complete history, you can simply look at the Tables and Groups tabs to see about how long the last synchronization took. By taking a look at how long the tasks take, you can decide how frequently you might schedule them. If a file takes 300 seconds to synchronize, then you would not want to schedule synchronizations more frequently than perhaps 10 minutes (twice the sync rate). If a group takes 4000 seconds to synchronize then one hour is too frequent, since that is only 3600 seconds.

Probably out of disk space.


Perform some disk housekeeping or purchase a larger disk drive.

Unable to start task (the paging file is too small for this operation to complete).

Create a larger page file on your system.