DB2: Distributed Data Management

This table summarizes potential Distributed Data Management (DDM) error and informational messages that can be returned to CONNX by a DB2 target server.


Message Code

Possible Problem



An Abnormal End Unit of Work Condition Reply Message was received from the target server. The current logical unit of work ended abnormally because of some action at the target server. This can be caused by a deadlock resolution, by an operator intervention, or by some similar situation that caused the relational database (RDB) to rollback the current logical unit of work.

Retry the operation.


A Not Authorized to Use Access Method Reply Message was received from the target server. The user is not authorized to use the specified access method.

Obtain the required authority from the DBA.


An Access to RDB Completed Reply Message was received from the target server. An instance of the SQL application manager has been created and is bound to the specified relational database (RDB).

Informational: No action required.


A Permanent Agent Error Reply Message was received from the target server. The command requested could not be completed because of a permanent error condition detected at the target system.

Notify your DBA; retry the operation; contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Begin Bind Error Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that the package binding process could not be initiated because an error condition exists.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Not Authorized to Command Reply Message was received from the target server. The user is not authorized to perform the requested command.

Request authority to the command from your DBA or systems administrator.


A Command Check Reply Message was received from the target server. The requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there is no architected message.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Command Processing Completed Reply Message was received from the target server. The command processing was successfully completed.

Informational: No action required.


A Command Not Supported Reply Message was received from the target server. The specified command is not recognized or is not supported for the specified target object.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Command Violation Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that a Distributed Data Management (DDM) command violating the processing capabilities of the conversation has been received.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Commitment Request Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that a dynamic commit or rollback was attempted at the target relational database.

Informational: No action required.


An Invalid Description Reply Message was received from the target server. A target server manager was unable to assemble a valid Formatted Data Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA) descriptor for the data being sent.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Data Mapping Error Reply Message was received from the target server. The target server cannot insert, modify, or retrieve a record due to a data mapping error.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Data Descriptor Mismatch Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that the data received did not match the received descriptor. That is, the amount of data received did not match the amount of data expected.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


The End of Query Reply Message indicates that the query process has terminated in such a manner that the query is now closed. It cannot be resumed with the CNTQRY command or closed with the CLSQRY command.

Informational: No action required.


The End Unit of Work Condition Reply Message specifies that the logical unit of work has ended as a result of the last command.

Informational: No action required.


An Interrupt Token Invalid Reply Message was received from the target server. The target SQL Application Manager (SQLAM) has determined that the specified RDB Interrupt Token (RDBINTTKN) value is invalid.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An Invalid Request Reply Message was received from the target server.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Not Authorized to Management Class Reply Message was received from the target server. The requester (CONNX) is not authorized to the named management class on the target system.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Management Class Conflict Reply Message was received from the target server. The management class specified on the CRTAIF command conflicts with the management class of the base file.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Management Class Not Found Reply Message was received from the target server. The named management class cannot be found on the target system.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Manager Dependency Error Reply Message was received from the target server. A request has been made to use a manager, but the requested manager requires specific support from some other manager that is not present.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Manager Level Conflict Reply Message was received from the target server. The manager levels specified in the Manager Level List (MGRLVLLS) conflict among themselves or with previously specified manager levels.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An Object Not Supported Reply Message was received from the target server. The target server does not recognize or support the object specified as data in an OBJDSS for the command associated with the object.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An Open Query Failure Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that the OPNQRY command failed to open the query.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


Open Query Complete Reply Message indicates to the requester that the OPNQRY command completed normally, and that the query process has been initiated.

Informational: No action required.


An RDB Package Binding Not Active Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that a Bind SQL Statement (BNDSQLSTT) or an End Bind (ENDBND) command was issued when the package binding process was not active for the specified package name.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An RDB Package Binding Process Active Reply Message was received from the target server. The command cannot be issued when the relational database package binding process is active. The active package binding process must be terminated before the command can be issued.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Conversational Protocol Error Reply Message was received from the target server.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Parameter Not Supported Reply Message was received from the target server. The specified parameter is not recognized or is not supported for the specified command.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Query Not Open Reply Message was received from the target server. A Continue Query (CNTQRY) or a Close Query (CLSQRY) command was issued for a query that is not open.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Query Previously Opened Reply Message was received from the target server. The server sends this message when an Open Query (OPNQRY) command is issued for a query that is already open. A previous OPNQRY command might have opened the query which may not be closed.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An RDB Currently Accessed Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that the Access Relational Database (ACCRDB) and the Interrupt Relational Database Request (INTRDBRQS) commands cannot be issued because the requester (CONNX) currently has access to a relational database.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An RDB Access Failed Reply Message was received from the target server, which specifies that the relational database (RDB) failed the attempted connection.

Verify that UserID, Password, and RDBNAME are correctly entered; retry; Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Not Authorized to RDB Reply Message was received from the target server. The requester is not authorized to access the specified relational database.

Verify that UserID, Password, and RDBNAME are correctly entered; retry; Contact CONNX Tech Support.


An RDB Not Accessed Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that the access relational database command (ACCRDB) was not issued prior to a command requesting RDB services.

Contact CONNX Tech Support. 


An RDB Not Found Reply Message was received, which indicates that the target server cannot find the specified relational database.

Verify that the RDBNAME entered in the CONNX CDD entry field matches the RDBNAME or location defined on the host; retry; Contact CONNX Tech Support.


RDB Update Reply Message indicates that a DDM command resulted in an update at the target relational database (RDB).

Informational: No action required.


A Resource Limits Reached Reply Message was received from the target server. The requested command could not be completed due to insufficient target server resources.

Notify your DBA or systems administrator; contact CONNX Tech Support.


An SQL Error Condition Reply Message was received from the target server, which indicates that an SQL error has occurred.

Informational: Refer to the SQL State/Code for specifics.


A System Command Manager Name message was received from the target server.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Data Stream Syntax Error Reply Message was received from the target server. The data sent to the target agent does not structurally conform to the requirements of Distributed Data Management (DDM) Architecture.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A System Command Reply Message was received from the target server.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Target Not Supported Reply Message was received from the target server. The object specified as a command target parameter is not an object of a class that the target server supports.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.


A Parameter Value Not Supported Reply Message was received from the target server. The parameter value specified either is not recognized or is not supported for the specified parameter.

Contact CONNX Tech Support.