DB2: APPC Secondary Return Codes

This table lists potential APPC Secondary Return Codes returned by the CONNX DB2 Module when connected via supported SNA APPC/LU 6.2 vendor software.


APPC Secondary Return Code

Message Text

Recommended Action

Allocation Failure No Retry

The APPC conversation was not allocated due to a permanent error. Notify the system administrator.

Local and/or target machine configuration problem; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Allocation Failure Retry

The APPC conversation was not allocated due to a temporary error. Retry the connection.

Possible transient link problem; retry; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid APPC conversation identifier


Connection failure; retry connection; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad conversation type

The value specified for parameter conv_type in the APPC ALLOCATE verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Logical Length

The logical record length field is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad LU Alias

The logical unit alias is not defined in the APPC configuration.

Verify configuration LU Alias and CONNX CDD/Data source entry; retry; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Partner LU Alias

Check the CONNX data source entry and the APPC configuration value, and retry the connection.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Return control

The value specified for rtn_ctl in the APPC ALLOCATE verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Return Status with Data

The return status parameter (rtn_status) of the APPC verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Security Value

The value specified for security in the APPC ALLOCATE verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Sync Level

The value specified for sync_level in the APPC ALLOCATE verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad Transaction Program identifier.


Connection failure: retry connection; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Bad type


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Conversation Type Mismatch

The DRDA AS (application server) transaction program at the target host does not support the conversation_type parameter of the APPC allocate verb control block.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Dealloc Bad Type

The dealloc_type parameter in the APPC DEALLOCATE verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Dealloc Confirm Bad State

The conversation was not in SEND state, and the TP attempted to flush the send buffer and send a confirmation request.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Dealloc Flush Bad State

The dealloc_type parameter in the APPC DEALLOCATE verb control block = AP_FLUSH, but the program is not in SEND state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Dealloc Not LL BDY

The conversation was in SEND state, but the TP did not send a complete logical record.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Destination Address Equals Own Address


Configuration error. Verify that the local adapter address does not equal any destination adapter address.

DLC (Data Link Control) failure


Consult vendor error log(s).

DLC not defined


Configuration error: define Data Link Control profile for adapter; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Flush Not Send State

The conversation is not in SEND state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Alias


Possible mismatch between CONNX CDD/data source and APPC configuration.

Invalid Auto-Activate for number of sessions


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Conversation Security Requested


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Conversation Security Verification


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Conversation Type


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Control Point Name


Configuration error; verify Control Point name.

Invalid Control Point NAU (Network Address Unit) Address


Configuration error. Verify that APPC configuration entry for NAU is between 0 and 254.

Invalid Destination Address Length


Configuration error. Verify host destination address and check local APPC configuration.

Invalid Fully Qualified Control Point Name


Possible configuration error. Check APPC configuration against CONNX CDD/Data source; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Fully Qualified Owning Control Point Name


Configuration error. Check APPC configuration; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Fully Qualified Logical Unit Name


Configuration error. Possible mismatch between CONNX CDD/data source entry and APPC configuration.

Invalid Fully Qualified Partner LU Name


Configuration error. Possible mismatch between CONNX CDD/data source entry and APPC configuration.

Invalid LU Name


Configuration error. Check the LU name(s) defined in the APPC configuration against the CONNX CDD/data source entries.

Invalid LU NAU (Network Address Unit) Address


APPC configuration error; enter correct Network Address Unit; contact Network Administrator.

Invalid Mode Name


Configuration error. CONNX CDD/data source entry does not match any configured APPC mode name, or mode is undefined on the target host.

Invalid Partner LU Name


Configuration error. Check the Partner LU name(s) defined in the APPC configuration against the CONNX CDD/data source entries.

Invalid Password


Possible typo; re-enter password (use correct upper/lower case for DB2 UDB targets) and retry connection.

Invalid Session ID


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Sync Level


Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid Transaction Program Name


Configuration Error. If TP name is non-blank, check CONNX CDD against APPC configuration; ask Network Administrator to verify that the host TP name is defined; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Invalid User ID


Possible typo; re-enter user id (use correct upper/lower case for DB2 UDB targets) and retry connection.

Link deactivation is in progress


None required.

Local LU Name equals Partner LU name


Change CONNX CDD/data source entries and APPC configuration for Local LU.

Local LU is detached


None required.

Minimum Greater than Total

The sum of the APPC CNOS verb parameters min_conwinners_source and min_conwinners_target is greater than the partner_lu_mode_session_limit parameter.

Revise APPC configuration.

Mode Closed

The APPC mode name has been disabled at the host remote LU by setting the local maximum session limit to zero.

Notify DBA/Network Administrator; revise host mode definition; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Mode Name Reject

The APPC CNOS verb failed because the partner LU does not recognize the mode name.

Check local APPC configuration and CONNX CDD/data source entries; define mode name on host as required.

Prepare To Receive Invalid Type

The ptr_type parameter of the APPC prepare_to_receive verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Prepare To Receive Not LL BDY

The CONNX DB2 local server did not send a complete logical record.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Prepare To Receive Not Send State

The conversation is not in SEND state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Partner LU name equals Local LU Name


Configuration Error. Revise Local/Partner LU names.

Receive and Wait Bad Fill

The fill parameter of the APPC RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Receive and Wait Bad State

The CONNX DB2 local server issued an APPC RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verb, but the APPC conversation was not in RECEIVE or SEND state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.


The conversation was in SEND state, and the CONNX DB2 local server sent an incomplete logical record.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Receive Immediate Bad Fill

The fill parameter of the APPC RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE verb is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Receive Immediate Bad State

The CONNX DB2 local server issued an APPC RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE verb, but the APPC conversation was not in RECEIVE state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Request To Send Bad State

The CONNX DB2 local server issued an APPC REQUEST_TO_SEND verb from an invalid state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Security Not Valid:

The user ID/password combination was rejected by the target host.

Re-enter userid/password. For DB2 UDB targets, be sure to use the correct lower/upper case characters.

Send Data Invalid Type

The type parameter of the APPC SEND_DATA verb control block is invalid.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Send Data Not Send State

The CONNX DB2 local server issued an APPC SEND_DATA verb, but the conversation is not in send state.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Send Data Not LL BDY

The CONNX DB2 local server sent an incomplete logical record.

Notify CONNX Tech Support.

Sync Level Not Supported

The DRDA AS (application server) transaction program at the target host does not support the sync_level parameter of the APPC allocate verb control block.

Possible configuration error; notify CONNX Tech Support.

Table error


Configuration error. The APPC vendor ASCII/EBCDIC translation table is not installed.

Transaction Program Name Not Recognized

The remote Logical Unit does not recognize the TP name. Check the TP Name entered in the CONNX data source configuration.

Configuration error.

Transaction Program Not Available; No Retry

The DRDA AS (application server) transaction program at the target host is permanently unavailable.

Notify the network/system administrator.

Transaction Program Not Available; Retry

The DRDA AS (application server) transaction program at the target host is temporarily unavailable.

Retry the connection.

Undefined Transaction Program Name

Check the CONNX entry against the APPC configuration.

Configuration Error.

Unknown partner mode name

The value of mode_name in the APPC ALLOCATE verb control block is invalid

Configuration Error: Verify entries for Partner LU alias and/or mode name in APPC configuration against those in CONNX data source/CDD.