Connecting to a Data Source

JDBC is a specification created by Sun Microsystems, and supported by many third-party tools. Its Object-Oriented Objects -- Connection, ResultSet, Statement, DatabaseMetaData -- represent connecting to a database, getting results back from a query, executing a statement, and getting metadata from a database.
There are generally four steps that a Java developer must follow in order to connect to CONNX JDBC:

  1. Register the Data Source

  2. Set ClassPath

  3. Load the CONNX JDBC Driver

  4. Open a connection to the CONNX JDBC Driver (Thin Client)

Before beginning any of the above procedures, you must have installed a JDK (Java Development Kit) that is compatible with your system. Refer to "CONNX JDBC" in the online CONNX Installation Guide for a list of Web sites that offer downloadable JDKs.

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image\CHICLET.jpg Registering the Data Source Name

image\CHICLET.jpg Setting the Classpath

image\CHICLET.jpg To load and register the CONNX JDBC Driver

image\CHICLET.jpg Opening a connection to the CONNX JDBC Driver