Un-Deploying selected Replications

Un-Deploying selected replications includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Removing individual replications from the active replications


Un-Deploy selected event replications if:

  • The target database will be out of service for an extended period

  • You no longer want to use some but not all  of  the current replications



Un-deploy Selected will un-deploy only those  replications with the Select checkbox checked.


If you don't want to un-deploy all active replications, in the Replication Design tab, you can select those replications you wish to un-deploy, clear Active, and click Deploy.


  1. Open the Open Systems Event Replicator CDD.

  2. Click the Deployed Replications tab.




  1. Select a replication to Undeploy - in this case we will select file 11.


  2. Click Un-Deploy Selected. The following message appears:



A message will be sent to the EP instructing it to remove the replication(s) specified from the list of deployed replications.  


Note: If you use UnDeploy Selected to remove all the replications, the controller and EP will remain active with nothing to do.  If yo wish them to become inactive, use the UnDeploy All button.