Event Replication Troubleshooting Suggestions

Server Status

  • I deployed the CDD, how do I know if the replication system is active?  

Open the deployed CDD (if it is not open) and view the Server Status.  After a few seconds the grid will show the replication servers and their status.

  •  I cannot open the Server Status screen.  

The current open CDD is not the one that has been deployed. Open the deployed CDD and view the Server Status to see the deployed server.

  •  On the Server Status screen it says Status of the System Unknown.  

If the status is Unknown, the replication server is either down or cannot be contacted.  Check the services to make sure the CONNX Replication Controller is Started.  If the Controller is on a different machine then the replication administrator, check to see if it is accessible over the network.

  • One of the entries in the Server Status screen is Not Replicating.  

Check the log files at {install directory}\CONNX32\Replication\log\, for an error message that explains the reason the server is not replicating.  See the Log Files troubleshooting suggestions below.

  • I receive the message "Queue service is unavailable, check log at: <path to log>ADM.log" when I attempt to deploy

This message indicates that the message queue service is not running either on the Windows machine where the Replication Administrator is running or on the server where the Replication Controller is running.  The entry in the ADM.log file will specify the name of the system it was trying to contact.  If the message queue services are running, please ensure that there are no firewalls  between the Replication Administrator machine and the Replication Controller machine.  If a firewall is required, port 9200 will need to be opened.  Please note that Microsoft Windows has a firewall built into it and it is on by default.


If the message queue services are running and there is either no firewall present or there is but port 9200 is open, please contact Technical Support.


  • I received the message "Cannot contact controller, check log at: <path to log>ADM.log" when I attempt to deploy

When the deploy button is pressed, the Replication Administrator sends a request for current status to the controller.  The purpose of this message is to verify that all the components are running and will be able to respond to the deploy message.  I f you receive the "Cannot contact controller" message, it indicates that the controller did not respond to the status request.  The three most likely causes of this message are:

    1. The controller (Event Server) is not running

    2. The message queue on the Replication Administrator machine is not running

    3. A firewall is preventing the controller from contacting the message queue on the Replication Administrator machine

When the Replication Administrator sends a message to the controller, it places that message on the controller's message queue.  When the controller responds, it places the response message on the Replication Administrator's message queue.  If the controller is not able to contact this message queue, it will not be able to send the response and the Replication Administrator will time out and issue the message stating it was not able to contact the controller.  If you receive this message and have verified the controller is running, check the CTRL.log file.  There will be a message preceded with (E) that will describe the problem that caused the controller to not respond  The most likely cause is that the controller was not able to contact the message queue on the Replication Administrator machine.  If the message queue service is running on the Replication Administrator machine, check to see if the Windows firewall is running.  If it is, port 9200 will need to be opened to allow communications.  You can also authorize the program cnxmq.exe in the firewall exceptions.


If the controller and message queue services are running and there are no firewall issues, please contact Technical Support.


Log Files

  • For more information about the codes and messages displayed in the log files see the Event Replication Error Messages.

  • If you are not seeing enough information in the log files you may need to increase the number of messages by changing DEBUG_LEVEL.  To change DEBUG_LEVEL go to Event Replication Registry Settings.

  • If a problem arises that cannot be corrected by looking at the errors in the log files, you may have to contact Technical Support. Have all the log files ready to be sent.  Technical Support needs the information in all the log files to determine what is causing the problem.