Estimating Component Requirements

For a graphic representation of the CONNX architecture, see Organizational chart of CONNX Client and Server Components.


Install the CONNX client component on any machine that will retrieve data.


For standalone desktop applications install the CONNX client on any machine where the desktop application is installed.


For distributed architecture applications (multiple machines retrieve data to be viewed on a user desktop) such as Web applications, there are two common scenarios:

  • Each Web server running server side scripts that access data would require its own copy of the CONNX Client.

  • The Web server is connected to an SOA service that runs on a separate set of machines; each of the separate set of machines would require its own copy of the CONNX Client.


Each machine running a standalone application requires its own copy of the CONNX Client.


When there is a distributed or web application, choose the location of the CONNX Client based on performance requirements. Even though the CONNX core offloads much of the work to the database or remote server, the entire returned data set may have to reside on a client machine. If there are hundreds of users connecting to a web server simultaneously accessing data from that same machine through CONNX then hundreds of data sets may be called into memory on the same machine. This may also include temporary tables required for multi-table joins and sorting.