Controlling Access

Some care should be exercised with the modification of a production CDD. To prevent unwanted modification of the CDD contents via the CONNX CDD manager, use the security measures outlined in the CONNX User Guide and the CONNX Installation Guide .


Controlling physical access to a CDD may be a concern. A CDD must be made available to any CONNX client that will be accessing data. The CDD is actually a database, and read/write access is required to the directory that contains the CDD, and the CDD file itself.


The following is a list of major security considerations:


  1. Access to the Data Dictionary Manager
    The Data Dictionary Manager can only be installed when someone is in possession of a CONNX License file.  Without access to a CONNX license file, the installation routine will not make the CONNX Data dictionary manager available. Minimize the number of individuals who have access to the CONNX data dictionary manager by physically securing the license files provided.

  2. Securing created Data Dictionary files with file server security mechanism.
    Typical CDD files reside on a central network share so all users can access the same CDD.  Secure this file share so that only authorized users have access to the CDDs.

  3. Securing Data Dictionary Files via internal password
    Data Dictionary Files are encrypted for security reasons. You can also password protected Data Dictionary Files.  If  you set a password on the data dictionary, do not lose it as you will not be able to modify the CDD without it.


The tables, views and other SQL entities within the CDD can be secured a variety of ways.  Please refer to the CONNX User Guide for more details.