Component Configuration

When planning the CONNX install service configuration, here are some considerations:


  1. The CONNX Client must be installed on every machine that accesses data. This may mean many CONNX Client installs for a desktop application or only a few installs for organizations using distributed or web service framework. Each configuration has its particular installation, administration and maintenance constraints.

  2. The CDD repository location is very important. The CDDs must be available to every client machine; you may need to open a share on a file server and set appropriate access permissions. You may need multiple CDD copies (the development, test and deploy cycles may each require a separate copy); this can increase administration complexity.

  3. A CONNX Remote server must be installed on remote hosts when a local server DLL cannot access data. You may have to open up a range of firewall ports and coordinate across departments to gain access to a particular machine.

  4. The CONNX License server must be installed on a single server that has access to the LAN. Choose a dedicated server to ensure uninterrupted access to CONNX features.


The following discussion will be broken down into the constituent aspects of a typical CONNX installation. Please refer to Figure 1 (Organizational chart of CONNX Client and Server Components) throughout the discussion to help facilitate a clearer understanding.