Uninstalling the CONNX IMS components

The CONNX for IMS TCP/IP Server Setup client application transfers the CONNX components to the target OS/390 / z/OS host using TCP FTP. After the initial FTP step, the CONNX installer submits a batch job using TSO ISPF.  The optional installation steps include manual additions of a JCL procedure (CNXIMS) and a REXX exec file (CNXSTOP) to the system PROCLIB and SYSPROC partitioned data sets.

Given a default CONNX installation prefix of CONNX.STASK, the CONNX for IMS Started Task installation JCL partitioned data set is CONNX.STASK.CNTL. Member REMOVE contains batch uninstallation JCL .


To uninstall the CONNX for IMS Started Task components

  1. Before submitting the uninstall JCL, find and stop all instances of the CONNX  Started Task/Batch Job TCP/IP Listener program CNXRUNI. For example, if batch job CNXIMSJ is executing, stop it.  

  2. Use the TSO NETSTAT command to list the TCP/IP listen port dedicated to CNXIMSJ, and all active client/server connections:

EZZ2587I CNXIMSJ  0009C426 Establsh                                                                    

EZZ2587I CNXIMSJ  0009C424            Listen

EZZ2587I CNXIMSJ  0009C42D Establsh                                                                    

EZZ2587I CNXIMSJ  0009C429 Establsh                                                                    

EZZ2587I CNXIMSJ  0009C42B Establsh

  1. Use the TSO CNXSTOP command, using the CNXRUNPORT specified in the CNXPARMS file, to terminate the CNXRUNI listener program and its active subtasks.

  2. Repeat these steps for any other batch jobs/started tasks which are currently executing the CONNX TCP/IP listener program CNXRUNI.

  3. After stopping all instances of the CNXIMS Started Task/Batch Jobs, you can submit the JCL in member @REMOVE. The REMOVE job is set up with TYPERUN=HOLD and will need to be released to run after making sure all CONNX.STASK data sets are not being accessed.

    The second IDCAMS DELETE step for the CONNX.STASK.LOAD partitioned data set is commented out, in case the CONNX Started Task/Batch job load modules were linked into an existing load library. We recommend that you install CONNX into its own load library.

  4. The IDCAMS DELETE steps should return zeroes for all data sets which are not allocated to another batch job, started task, or TSO session. For data sets which do not exist or are allocated to other jobs or tasks, the IDCAMS return code is 8. Any undeleted data sets can be deleted via ISPF or via a second run of the REMOVE JCL after the dataset sharing conflicts have been resolved.