To stop the CONNX Started Task/Batch Job TCP/IP Listener

To terminate the CONNX Started Task VSAM TCP/IP Listener gracefully, use the REXX procedure CNXCFG.  This is the primary function of the CONNX TSO Configuration Utility.

Important: Using this utility to stop the CONNX Started Task TCP/IP Listener will cause the CNXRUNB program and its started task or batch job to exit. When CNXRUNB terminates, it halts all instances of the CONNX VSAM Started Task server program (CNXVSD0B), which run as sub-tasks in the same address space. A separate instance (sub-task) of CNXVSD0B is created for each CONNX client connection via ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB or .NET to the specified TCP/IP address + port. Therefore, stopping the CNXRUNB program will sever any active CONNX connections to the CNXVSD0B server sub-tasks.

For example, the CNXVSAM Started Task/Batch Job TCP/IP listener is started and listening on port 6710.


Three connections are currently active from three different PC clients. The output from a TSO NETSTAT command displays the CONNX TCP/IP Listener connection and the client connections:

EZZ2587I CNXVSAM  000026F0


EZZ2587I CNXVSAM  00002709


EZZ2587I CNXVSAM  00002 70B


EZZ2587I CNXVSAM  00002704


Executing the REXX CNXCFG command with the parameter string p(stop 6710) will stop all of the above connections, as well as the CNXVSAM Started Task / Batch Job.  The implicit and verbose forms of the cnxcfg p(stop) command are:


From the ISPF Command Shell:

cnxcfg p(stop 6710)


exec 'connx.v08r09.stask.cntl(cnxcfg)' 'p(stop 6710)'

From any ISPF Command line:

tso cnxcfg p(stop 6710)


tso exec 'connx.v08r09.stask.cntl(cnxcfg)' 'p(stop 6710)'


For a successful stop request, the following messages are displayed on the invoking terminal:


Parms = 'STOP 6710'                 

loadlib = 'CONNX.V08R09.STASK.load'

file = 'CONNX.VXXRXX.STASK.cnxcfg'  

Stopping CONNX Started Task VSAM TCP/IP Listener on port 6710.

Thu Apr  3 14:17:55 2003                                       

Using TCPIP.                                                  

Thu Apr  3 14:17:55 2003                                       

 Connecting to port (6710) (                         

CONNX Started Task VSAM TCP/IP Listener Stopped   .