To stop the CONNX for Adabas Batch Job / Started Task TCP/IP Listener

To stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener gracefully, use one of the following procedures:

  1. Stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener with the /STOP operator console command.

  2. Stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener via the CNXSTOP REXX command.

  3. Stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener by submitting batch job CNXSTOP from member CNXSTOPJ of the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set.

Important: Stopping the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener program CNXRUNA causes its started task or batch job to exit. When CNXRUNA terminates, it halts all instances of the CONNX for Adabas server program (CNXADD0B), which run as sub-tasks in the same address space. A separate instance (subtask) of CNXADD0B is created for each CONNX client connection via ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB or .NET to the specified TCP/IP address + port. Therefore, stopping the CNXRUNA program severs any active CONNX connections to the CNXADD0B server subtasks.


  1. To stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener with the /STOP operator console command

  1. You must be authorized to issue operator console commands.

  2. The CONNX top level 'broker' program (CNXSTART) must be the main program of job step CNXRUNA in procedure CNXADA. This is the default setting, which can be overridden at JCL-submission time by changing the symbolic parameter CNXSTART.

  3. The environment variables CNXLISTENER and CNXOPERATORCOMMAND must be defined as follows in member CNXPARMS of the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set:


    Assume that batch job CNXADA is executing JCL procedure CNXADA from the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set, and that four PC clients are currently connected to separate instances of the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP server program. To stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener via an operator console command, enter /stop cnxada as shown below:


The CNXADA job terminates the CONNX TCP/IP Listener program (CNXRUNA), as well as all of its currently executing server program (CNXADD0B) subtask(s). After the job completes, for each currently executing server program subtask, message pairs such as the following are written to the job log:

BPXP009I THREAD 0878136000000002, IN PROCESS 16842832, ENDED  




  1. To stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener via the CNXSTOP REXX command

  1. The CONNX top level 'broker' program (CNXSTART) must be the main program of job step CNXRUNA in procedure CNXADA. This is the default setting, which can be overridden at JCL-submission time by changing the symbolic parameter CNXSTART.

  2. The environment variables CNXLISTENER and CNXOPERATORCOMMAND must be defined as follows in member CNXPARMS of the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set:


  3. For example, assume that the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP listener (CNXADAJ, JOB01099) is started and listening on port 6789.  



To stop the TCP/IP Listener program CXNRUNA and end the job, use the CNXSTOP REXX command. The verbose and implicit syntax and an example of the implicit execution of this command follow:

From the ISPF Command Shell (default option 6):


cnxstop 6789


exec 'connx.adabas.cntl(cnxstop)' 6789


From any ISPF Command line:


tso cnxstop 6789


tso exec 'connx.adabas.cntl(cnxstop)' 6789


  1. To stop the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP Listener by submitting batch job CNXSTOP from member CNXSTOPJ of the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set

    1. The CONNX top level 'broker' program (CNXSTART) must be the main program of job step CNXRUNA in procedure CNXADA. This is the default setting, which can be overridden at JCL-submission time by changing the symbolic parameter CNXSTART.

    2. The environment variables CNXLISTENER and CNXOPERATORCOMMAND must be defined as follows in member CNXPARMS of the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set:


For example, assume that the CONNX for Adabas TCP/IP listener (CNXADAJ, JOB05559) is started and listening on port 6789:


To stop the TCP/IP Listener program and end the job, edit member CNXSTOPJ in the CONNX.**.CNTL partitioned data set, change the job card to match site-specific standards, and submit the job to a batch execution queue.

Both jobs CNXADAJ and CNXSTOPJ should end with condition codes = 0:


The CNXADAJ job terminates the CONNX TCP/IP Listener program (CNXRUNA), as well as all of its currently executing server program (CNXAD0B) subtask(s). After the job completes, for each currently-executing server program subtask, message pairs such as the following are written to the job log:

BPXP009I THREAD 08785AA000000002, IN PROCESS 83951697, ENDED  

