Starting and Stopping the CONNX JDBC Server on UNIX

These steps are required after installation and before running any database connections for UNIX systems. See the online help describing connection procedures for your specific data source.

To start the CONNX JDBC Server on UNIX systems

  1. Go to the CONNX directory that was created in the installation directory specified during installation of the CONNX UNIX Client. The cnxjdbc executable file resides in that folder.

  2. Verify that your data source names (DSNs) are registered correctly.

    At the command prompt, enter ./sqlregistry
    Select option 1 to view all the current registry settings
    If your DSN is in the list, go to the next step
    If your DSN is not in the list, enter CONNX.DSNS.dsn that you want to register
    Select option 2 for a string value
    Enter the fully qualified path to the CONNX CDD. The CDD must be located on a UNIX system. Add a semicolon. [optional] Add a DSN comment freeform string. Add a semicolon.



    Enter 5 to exit the the /sqlregistry program

    Alternatively you may utilize the createJDBCDSN utility script to manage your JDBC DSNs. Information about the createJDBCDSN utility script is located at the end of this section.

  3. At the UNIX terminal session prompt, enter the server command to run the executable as a background process:

 ./jdbcserver START


This will create a connxjdbc.log file that contains JDBC Server  information, error messages, and status.



To stop the CONNX JDBC Server on UNIX systems


To stop the JDBC Server, at the UNIX terminal session prompt, enter the server command to run the executable as a background process:

./jdbcserver STOP



To verify that the CONNX JDBC Server on UNIX systems is active


To verify that the JDBC Server is active, at the UNIX terminal session prompt, enter the server command to run the executable as a background process:

./jdbcserver STATUS




Using the createJDBCDSN utility script

./createJDBCDSN –l

This form of the createJDBCDSN script will list all configured JDBC DSNs.

./createJDBCDSN <DSN> <CDD> [comment]

DSN:     Top level name of CONNX JDBC DSN

CDD:     Fully qualified path to CONNX CDD

comment:  [optional] comment

This form of the createJDBCDSN script will add a new DSN to the registry or will overwrite an existing DSN entry. If a DSN entry already exists the user will be prompted before overwriting the old value.