Post-Installation Checklist - CONNX JDBC Server

The following table provides a checklist of the post-installation operations you must conduct before the OpenVMS installation is complete. After each operation is complete, place a check mark in the appropriate box. Each operation has a reference to a procedure.


Post-Installation Checklist – JDBC Server

Check here when complete



1. Review CONNX JDBC information in Step 4, Install CONNX JDBC Server and Client.


2. Verify that a CONNX JDBC Server is running. Refer to CONNX JDBC Driver in the CONNX User Reference Guide for installation instructions.


3. Verify that a router is installed and running, if required. Refer to CONNX JDBC Driver in the CONNX User Reference Guide for installation instructions.


4. Using the test data and the CONNX JDBC Sample Application supplied with the CONNX JDBC installation, establish a connection with the JDBC server for each installed database, for example, DB2, DataFlex, or Oracle Rdb.


Related Topics

image\CHICLET.gif JDBC Resources

image\CHICLET.gif Activating the CONNX JDBC Router

image\CHICLET.gif Connecting to CONNX JDBC Server