Pinging the OpenVMS Server - TCP/IP

Complete the following procedure to ping (verify communications) between your CONNX administrator computer and an OpenVMS server on a TCP/IP network.

To verify the TCP/IP network connection with the OpenVMS server

  1. Click Start on the taskbar, and then click Run. In the Open text box, type the following:


and then click the OK button. The command window appears with a command prompt.

  1. After the command prompt (the path may vary and does not matter), type the following:

c:\windows>Ping ServerName


replacing ServerName with the name of your OpenVMS server or the IP address (for example, 123.345.567.0), and then press <Enter>.

The ping results for successful communications are as follows:

c:\windows>Ping machine1
Pinging [32.333.333.333] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 32.333.333.333: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255
Reply from 32.333.333.333: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255
Reply from 32.333.333.333: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255
Reply from 32.333.333.333: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=255

Refer all network problems to your network administrator for resolution.

  1. Close the command window.


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