To verify server TCP/IP settings via DB2 CLP

  1. At the target server, start the DB2 Command Processor window and enter the following command:


  1. Verify that the following line appears:

TCP/IP Service Name(SVCENAME) db2cDB2

  1. Verify the port on which DB2 listens by opening the services text file in the platform-specific directories,






and search for the following entries:

db2cDB2 50000/tcp #connection port for the DB2 instance DB2

db2iDB2 50001/tcp #interrupt port for the DB2 instance DB2

  1. If these entries are not present, add them to the services file.

  2. Ping the dotted IP address from a Windows client machine by opening a DOS command prompt window and typing the following command:

Ping 123.456.789.012



123.456.789.012 is the TCP/IP address of the DB2 UDB server.

  1. If the ping is successful, try to connect from the CONNX CDD Import dialog box by entering either the symbolic host name or the dotted IP address of the target DB2 UDB server plus the port number (= 50000, for this example).