SQL Communication Area (SQLCA)

The SQLCA provides the programmer with comprehensive information about the success or failure of each SQL command.

The following is the declaration of the SQLCA structure in C:


struct sqlca

 { unsigned char sqlcaid [8];   /* eye catcher 'sqlca'       */

   SAG_INTEGER   sqlcabc;       /* size of SQLCA in bytes    */

   SAG_INTEGER   sqlcode;       /* SQL return code           */

   short         sqlerrml;      /* length of error message   */

   unsigned char sqlerrmc [70]; /* error message             */

   unsigned char sqlerrp [8];   /* internal error info       */

   SAG_INTEGER   sqlerrd [6];   /* internal error info       */

   unsigned char sqlwarn [8];   /* warning flags             */

   unsigned char sqlext [8];    /* reserved                  */
