Data Types

DataSync settings are accessed from the Gear menu


The Data Types page controls how DataSync interprets certain data types

  • Convert LOBs to VARCHAR or VARBINARY
    This setting tells DataSync to change LOBs to either VARCHAR or VARBINARY depending on the data. Enter the target column size (default is 1024). This is the default setting. When set, Preserve LOBs will not be set.

  • Preserve LOBs
    This setting tells DataSync to send LOBs to the target without converting them to VARCHAR or VARBINARY. When set, incremental updates will not be allowed and only full loads will be supported. When set, Convert LOBs to VARCHAR or VARBINARY will not be set.

  • Treat CHAR as CLOB on Target Table
    If your target data base does not support very large character fields,select Treat CHAR as CLOB on Target Table and enter the field size. The default value is 1024 but there is no minimum or maximum value.

  • Treat CHAR as VARCHAR on Target Table
    If character fields are long and not fully populated, select Treat CHAR as VARCHAR on Target Table and enter the field size.

    Note: The field should contain at least 5 characters as there is minimal space savings for short CHAR fields.

    Example: If the source table has a CHAR(100) field that averages 10 characters in length, it will be transformed into a VARCHAR(100) field on the target table after the synchronization. This could save an average of 90 characters per row.

  • Maximum Number/Decimal Precision
    Enter the maximum numeric or decimal precision value in Maximum Numeric/Decimal Precision.