Select CDD

The Select CDD step provides functionality to upload a new CDD to the DataSync Server, Download a CDD from the DataSync Server to the local machine where the client is running in a browser or chose a CDD that already exists on the DataSync Server for activation.


  • Upload a Data Dictionary
    Before a CDD can be activated, it must be on the DataSync Server.  A CDD can be created and edited on a local machine and then uploaded to the server when it is ready for use.  To upload a CDD, click the Browse files button and then select the CDD from the File Open dialog.  Once the CDD has been successfully uploaded, it will appear in the Available CDDs list.
  • Choose a Previous CDD
    The Available CDDs list is a list of CDDs that reside in the connx32\datasync\cdd directory on DataSync server.  Any time a CDD is uploaded, it will be added to this list.  If a CDD is uploaded and there is a name conflict, the previous CDD of the same name will be renamed with and underscore followed by a timestamp.  In the above example, the CDD Demo2.CDD was uploaded when there was already a CDD with that name.  In this case, the original Demo2.CDD was renamed to Demo2_20200922T145806.CDD.
  • Download a CDD
    When multiple users are editing CDDs, it is recommended that a CDD be downloaded from the server before making edits to it.  This keeps the primary copy of the CDD on the server.  If edits need to be made, the CDD should be downloaded, edited and then uploaded again.  In this case, the previous version will be renamed with a timestamp.  If you wish to revert to a previous version of the CDD, that CDD can be activated.

Once a CDD has been selected from the Available CDDs list, press Next to proceed to Step 2: Integrated Login