Summary of the Data Dictionary Comparison Tool

When maintaining multiple data dictionaries for different environments such as development, testing and production it can be useful to compare the contents of these data dictionaries to make sure the only differences are planned.  The utility for this is the Data Dictionary Comparison Tool found in the CONNX Driver folder in the Start Menu.  This tool displays database, table and CONNX View differences.  


For data dictionaries used in Adabas Event Replication it also displays differences in replications and controllers.  Once the tool is opened from the Start Menu, the user selects two different data dictionaries, then presses the Get Differences button and the differences will be put into categories with the details displayed one at a time.  


If unplanned differences are discovered, the data dictionary can be modified in the CONNX Data Dictionary Manager.  For Replication or Controller differences, they need to be changed in the Replication Administrator.