Suppressing an Initial State

Suppressing an Initial State includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Moving a copy of the source database into the target database


Suppress an Initial State if:

  • An initial state has already been performed and the replication has been undeployed

  • The target table has been synchronized with the source with an outside tool

  • The system experienced a crash and you need to bring replication back on-line as soon as possible and you can tolerate some inconsistencies between the source and target tables.


Important note:  Suppressing an initial state is an Advanced function and should only be done if you can guarantee that the target table is an exact copy of the source table.  If the initial state process is not done, it is possible that the source and target tables will not contain the same records and errors may occur during the normal replication process.  If this occurs, it is strongly recommended that an initial state be performed.  In the case of recovering after a system wide failure, it is possible that the Replication Server will be unable to recover its internal configuration files.  In this case a redeploy is required.  If the initial state is suppressed at this time, it is strongly recommended that a manual initial state be performed as soon as possible.


To prevent an Initial State from occurring when a replication is deployed, an advanced feature called No Initial State must be activated.  To activate this feature, go to the View Menu on the Replication Design tab and select Show Suppress Initial State Field.
A new column named No Initial State will now be displayed on the right side of the screen.
Check this box for each replication you wish to suppress the initial state for and press the Deploy button.  After the Deploy, no initial states will occur for the selected replications.  After the deploy, any transactions that occur on the source table will be replicated to the target.  If the target table is not in sync with the source table, errors will occur.