CONNX Installation Procedure

The following instructions describe installation procedures for CONNX Administrator and CONNX client components.

To install CONNX Administrator and CONNX client components

  1. If you have not done so already, open the email you received containing the CONNX installation information and copy the license files from the email to a shared location that all CONNX administrative computers can access. The installation process will ask where the license files are located in a later step; make a note of where you have saved the files.  

  2. Download and run the installation kit from Empower or use the download links if any were provided during your maintenance renewal or evaluation period.


  1. Click "I accept the terms of the license agreement" radio button.. The Destination Folders window appears. On 64-bit systems, you have the option of selecting the location of the 32-bit, and 64-bit components separately. On 32-bit systems, you will only have the option for selecting the location of 32-bit components.


  2. Click Next. The License Server Information window appears. If you already have a CONNX license server installed on your network, specify the correct server name and port number. The default port number for the CONNX license server is 7501. If you want to install the license server locally on this computer, select the appropriate radio button

    Warning: The CONNX License Server needs to be installed on the network one time only, regardless of whether the user is on the LAN or WAN or connected via VPN.  If the CONNX License Server has already been installed, simply specify the name of the license server and the port number (default is 7501).


  3. Click Next. The Database Modules window appears.


  4. In Specify CONNX database modules to install, click the database modules you have purchased or are evaluating. You must have a license file for each database module you select.

    Select DataSync, InfoNaut Professional or N-Tier only if you purchased or are evaluating these products. For more information on any of these products, contact your CONNX sales representative.  

    Note: InfoNaut Lite is included with all CONNX licenses. Select InfoNaut Professional only if you purchased or are evaluating this product.

  5. In CONNX Administrative Components, if you are installing CONNX on an administrative computer, click Install and enter the file path to that folder containing the license files in License Source. This will install the CONNX Data Dictionary tool and the License Administrator program.

    If you are not installing CONNX on an administrative computer, clear Install.

  6. Click Next. The Select Components window appears.


  7. Select the check boxes beside the CONNX components you want to install. A description of each component appears. Click the Change button to alter the sub-components.

Note: You can save drive space by clearing the unused sub-component check boxes. CONNX Components and Sub-Components below contains a list of the CONNX components, sub-components, and component descriptions.

CONNX Components and Sub-Components




CONNX Client Driver


Required on all CONNX client  machines.

InfoNaut Query Tool


CONNX OLE Automation Object

CONNX JDBC Components

CONNX UNIX Client Driver

Required on all unix based CONNX clint machines.


CONNX JDBC Components

OpenVMS Server Components

Required for Rdb, RMS, and DBMS databases. Must be installed on at least one administrator machine, and then transferred to an OpenVMS database server.


Alpha components

VAX components

Itanium components (RMS only)

IMS Mainframe Server Components

Required for access of IMS data on the mainframe.

Setup Utility

VSAM Mainframe Server Components

Required for access of VSAM data on the mainframe.

Setup Utility


Must be installed on at least one machine if you use JDBC.


UNIX Server Setup

Required for access of  Adabas, C-ISAM, DISAM, Micro Focus and RM/Cobol data on Linux/unix.

Setup Utility for

Adabas, C-ISAM, DISAM,

Micro Focus and RM/Cobol

CONNX Help and Samples

For users who want to test different types of sample databases and front-end applications. Help files can be installed on both admin and client machines.

CONNX Help Files

Microsoft® Access® Sample

CONNX OLE RPC Test Drive for VMS

Data Dictionary Viewer

Infonaut Lite

CONNXStore Database Server

Native CONNXStore database server (PostgreSQL for windows).   Required for DataSync. Note: If DataSync was checked on the Database Module screen, CONNXStore will be installed and there will be no check box option for it on the component screen.


CONNX Enterprise Server Service

Allows datasources hosted on Windows to be accessed from other machines and operating systems


Adabas Mainframe Components

Required for access of Adabas data on the mainframe.

Setup Utility

InstantdbSync (Open Systems Event Replicator for Adabas customers) components

Allows selection of individual InstantdbSync components.

Installer for Unix components

  1. If you are installing the Adabas Mainframe Components, scroll down to view the ADABAS Mainframe Server Setup check box. Select the check box if you are installing or updating the server components on the mainframe. This step only has to be done once or when the server changes. If you will be installing multiple clients later, it is not necessary to check the check box during installation. For information on all Adabas installation configurations, see Recommended Configurations for the Adabas SQL Gateway (CONNX for Adabas).

    Note: Install the CONNX client components on each computer requiring data access. See Silent CONNX Client Installation. You do not have to install the administrator component and JDBC server components on machines requiring data access only.

    Warning: For administrator machines, ensure that both the CONNX client driver and the CONNX administrator components are installed. The OpenVMS server components required for Rdb, DBMS, and RMS databases must be installed on at least one administrator machine and then transferred to the OpenVMS database server machine. The server components need not be installed on client machines. See CONNX OpenVMS Installation Procedure for information on transferring the server components to the server. For client machines requiring data access only, select only the CONNX Client Driver component in the Select Components window.

    Warning: Do not select UNIX Server Setup if you are using C-ISAM, DISAM, or Micro Focus on a Windows platform.

    Warning: Do not select Adabas Mainframe Components if you are using Adabas on a Windows platform.

  2. If you have selected the CONNX JDBC Server Service, the Enterprise Server Service, the CONNX Store Database Server Service, InstantdbSync, KPiSync or Install CONNX License server on local computer, the CONNX Service Account Selection dialog box appears. To have the services run as a specific domain user, Select This account and type a domain or user name in the Domain\UserName text box in the format shown. Type a password in the Password text box.  To have the services run under the local system account, select Local System account.


  3. Click Next and the installer will copy the files.  When the copy process has finished, an information message box appears stating that the CONNX Server Setup programs are set to install the server components that you have selected. Click OK. The CONNX Server Component Installation window appears. See Step4 - Install CONNX OpenVMS Server, Step 5 - Install IBM Mainframe-Compatible Servers (includes Adabas installation for these servers), Step 6 - Install Adabas SQL Gateway for Adabas UNIX installation), or Step 7 - Install C-ISAM, D-ISAM and Micro Focus Servers component on a UNIX machine for more information on installing these server components.


  4. If you selected Oracle, DB2, C-ISAM, Informix, Sybase, ODBC, or OLE DB data sources in the Database Modules window, a dialog box appears asking whether you want to install sample database table.


    Click Yes to continue with sample table installation through CONNX Sample Database Logon dialog boxes. Click No to continue with CONNX installation. You can install sample tables for each of the listed databases at any time using the Build Sample Database icons available in your program group.

  5. Click Next. The Register window appears.


    If your registration information has not changed, click No. If you click Yes, you will be asked to fill in the current registration information for this copy of CONNX.

  6. This completes the preliminary CONNX installation procedures.  If you are prompted to reboot after the installation finishes, please do so.
