typedef  struct


int sqlcode;

struct SQLDA * input_sqlda_ptr;

struct SQLDA * output_sqlda_ptr;

int nr_tuples_modified;

void * context_ptr;

int echo_warning;

char error_text [512 + 1];




The SQL_CTR_BLOCK is used to pass a common set of parameters to the API functions.





4 byte integer field containing the sqlcode returned by the function call.


4 byte pointer to a structure of type SQLDA. This should be declared as NULL if an input sqlda is not required by the function being called.


4 byte pointer to a structure of type SQLDA. This should be declared as NULL if an output sqlda is not required by the function being called.


4 byte integer field containing the count of rows affected by an insert, update or delete operation.


4 byte pointer to a structure of type SAGContext.

Used by a multi-threaded application to specify the context for the function call. The structure must be zero filled prior to the first function call in a specific context. In a normal single threaded environment, context_ptr may be declared as NULL.


4 byte integer field containing 0 or 1.

If NO (0) all warnings (sqlcode > 0 except for 100) will be changed to sqlcode = 0.

If YES (1) all warnings will be returned with their original sqlcode.


512 byte character field containing the error text returned by the requested function for errors (sqlcode < 0) and warnings (sqlcode > 0) including sqlcode = 100.

If echo_warning is set to NO, error_text will not be returned.