0 |
Success. |
1-99 |
Adabas nucleus response code. Please consult the Adabas documentation for more information. |
100 |
End of recordset |
101-255 |
Adabas nucleus response code. Please consult the Adabas documentation for more information. |
554 |
Additional error information, such as "additions 2" or subcode. |
1001 |
Value of option %s must be an integer greater than zero. |
1002 |
Unknown option: %s |
1003 |
Error in command line syntax: %s |
1004 |
Password missing. |
1005 |
Unknown value for COBOL standard: %s |
1006 |
Unknown value for compatibility. %s |
1007 |
Not a suitable precompiler source. |
1008 |
Missing source file. |
1009 |
Missing value for %s |
1010 |
Output line length corrected to minimum supported %s bytes\n. |
1011 |
Unknown value for host language: %s |
1051 |
Cannot open include file: %s |
1052 |
Cannot open input file: %s |
1053 |
Cannot open output file:%s |
1054 |
Internal function type error: %s |
1055 |
The line is truncated to %s characters. |
1101 |
Comment not closed. |
1102 |
Macro name not defined: %s |
1103 |
Illegal use of array declarator. |
1104 |
Redeclaration of a name with different type: %s |
1105 |
Redeclaration of a name with smaller size: %s |
1106 |
Invalid declaration. |
1107 |
Variable or typedef name expected. |
1108 |
Illegal use of parentheses in declarator. |
1109 |
No type definition for typedef name: %s |
1110 |
Initializer syntax error. |
1111 |
SQLCODE and SQLCA both declared in the same program unit. |
1112 |
Parameter not declared: %s |
1113 |
Parameters %s and indicators %s are of different struct type. |
1114 |
Invalid preprocessor command. |
1115 |
Invalid combination of specifiers. |
1116 |
Statement not terminated. |
1117 |
Statement syntax error. |
1118 |
Quoted string not closed. |
1119 |
Newline in string constant. |
1151 |
Token longer than output line length. |
1201 |
Invalid cursor name. |
1251 |
Invalid level number: %s |
1252 |
Invalid picture (Size of precision/scale = 0) |
1253 |
Invalid picture (Digits count > 18) |
1254 |
Invalid picture (Dimension) |
1255 |
Invalid picture (Blank without when/zero) |
1256 |
Invalid picture (Binary > 18 digits or Scale > 0) |
1257 |
Invalid picture (Occurs) |
1258 |
Invalid picture (Packed Decimal) |
1259 |
Invalid picture (Display) |
1260 |
Invalid picture (Comp Type) |
1261 |
Invalid picture (Comp-1 Type) |
1262 |
Invalid picture (Comp-2 Type) |
1263 |
Invalid picture (Comp-5 Type) |
1264 |
Invalid picture (Sign without Leading/Trailing) |
1265 |
Invalid picture (Sign Type) |
1266 |
Invalid picture (Usage) |
1267 |
Invalid picture (Picture symbol) |
1268 |
Invalid picture (Db Character symbol) |
1269 |
Invalid picture (Character definition) |
1270 |
Invalid picture (Number definition) |
1271 |
Invalid picture (Clause keyword) |
1301 |
Cannot get dynamic memory. |
1302 |
Internal string error. |
3001 |
Invalid input: %s |
3002 |
Unsupported command. |
3003 |
Internal application error: %s |
3004 |
Not yet implemented: %s |
3005 |
Unable to allocate dynamic memory. |
3006 |
Incorrect number of arguments: %s |
3007 |
Null argument passed: %s |
3008 |
Index out of bounds: (%d) |
3009 |
An OS specific function call failed. Please contact technical support. |
3010 |
An internal buffer size has been exceeded. |
3011 |
No element exists for the given key: %s |
3012 |
Path specification exceeds system limit. |
3013 |
Path not found: %s |
3497 |
No exception exists for the given condition: %d |
3498 |
Info: %s |
3499 |
3501 |
Unable to initialize TCP/IP. |
3502 |
Unable to create a socket: (%d) |
3503 |
Unable to find host: %s |
3504 |
Connection is already active. |
3505 |
Unable to connect: (%d) |
3506 |
No active connection. |
3507 |
Unable to send to socket: (%d) |
3508 |
Send failure, not all bytes written. |
3509 |
Unable to read from socket: (%d) |
3510 |
Read failure, incorrect packet size. |
3511 |
Packet processing error: pack. |
3512 |
Packet processing error: unpack. |
3513 |
Invalid port specification: (%d) |
3514 |
IO Buffer lacks sufficient capacity to accept data. |
4001 |
Session already defined: (%s) |
4002 |
Not connected. Session not found: (%s) |
4003 |
Unable to connect to SQL driver: %s |
4004 |
Unsupported SQL statement type: (%d) |
4005 |
Invalid SQL content argument. |
4006 |
Invalid recordset descriptor. |
4007 |
Unsupported SQL data type: (%d) |
4008 |
SQL Driver already connected. |
4009 |
Invalid attempt to deallocate a context before the connection has been closed. |
4010 |
SQL cursor already defined: (%s) |
4011 |
SQL cursor not defined: (%s) |
4012 |
No DSN specified in CONNECT statement. |
4013 |
Invalid connect parameters. DSN probably not registered. |
4014 |
SQL statement not defined: (%s) |
4015 |
Unsupported connection command id: (%d) |
4016 |
Invalid statement handle: (%d) |
4017 |
SERVER ERROR: ODBC: (%s) NATIVE: (%d): %s |
4018 |
Null value returned from server and no indicator present. |
4019 |
Value returned from server truncated and no indicator present. |
4020 |
Invalid type conversion truncated integral type. |
4021 |
Unsupported type conversion. |
4022 |
No HOST ADDRESS specified in CONNECT statement. |
4023 |
Unsupported SQL command. |
4024 |
Invalid handle length (minimum is 32): (%s) |
4025 |
Invalid static cursor name. Value must be embedded in the statement. |
4026 |
Session (%s) already owned: (%s) |
4027 |
Invalid session id. (%s) |
4028 |
Context (%s) is not associated with a session. |
4029 |
Invalid handle, is NULL: (%s) |
4030 |
%s identifier contains illegal characters: (%s) |
4031 |
Null host var passed for fetch column: (%d) |
4032 |
A CONNECT statement must be successfully executed first. SQL execution not possible yet. |
4033 |
Statement handle already associated: (%s) |
4034 |
Incorrect number of parameter arguments: Received: (%d), Expected: (%d) |
4035 |
Data supplied as parameter would have been truncated. |
4036 |
Indicator variable type must be a non-nullable type of exact numeric or integer. |
4037 |
Invalid Numeric/Decimal specification. |
4038 |
Single select returned more than one row. |
4039 |
NULL value assigned to a non-nullable type. |
4040 |
Catalog identifier length exceeds maximum. |
4041 |
Schema identifier length exceeds maximum. |
4042 |
Context is already active: (%s) |
4043 |
Unsupported connect command: (%d) |
4044 |
Indicator value exceeds maximum/minimum. |
4045 |
Invalid SQL command for Execute Immediate. |
4501 |
Parser error: Unrecognized pattern: (%d) for command: (%d). |
4502 |
Parser error: NULL token passed. |
4503 |
Invalid operation. Parse in progress. |
4504 |
SQL statement length exceeds maximum: (%d) |
4505 |
SQL statement is empty. |
4506 |
Invalid command statement. |
4507 |
Illegal to pass the %s as a host variable in this context. |
4508 |
Illegal token, host variable expected: %s |
4509 |
Open called for an undeclared cursor: %s |
4510 |
Invalid token: %s |
4511 |
Invalid token (%s) expected: %s |
4512 |
Unbalanced quotes in statement string. |
4513 |
Unexpected end of buffer. |
4514 |
Unbalanced parenthesis in statement string. |
4515 |
Invalid SQL statement. |
4516 |
Invalid SQL statement for %s command. |
4517 |
Expected token not found: %s |
4518 |
Indicator variable is of an invalid type. |
4519 |
SQL statement string not allowed here. |
4520 |
Identifier contains illegal characters: %s |
4521 |
Identifier (%s) has an invalid length. Maximum: %d |
4522 |
List in statement missing separator. |
4523 |
Identifier contains illegal characters or is not properly quoted: %s |
4524 |
Unable to set catalog (%s) during parse: [%s] |
4525 |
Unable to set schema (%s) during parse: [%s] |