On Failure Task

To define a task to run if a synchronization performed on a specific table or group of tables was unsuccessful, use the On Success Task text box.


To inform the administrator of the failure of a scheduled synchronization, for example:

  1. Compose a command line that resembles the following:

c:\utils\epsendmail nickd@connx.com, databaseadmin-ops@connx.com, "DB Sync Failure", "DB Sync Task failed",

  1. Test your work with the Global On-Demand Synchronization On Failure Task and then cut-and-paste it into the On Failure Task text box under Synchronization Tasks in the Synchronization Recurrence Frequency window. Substitute the TCP/IP address of your SMTP mail server for the TCP/IP address shown above.

  2. To test the message failure behavior, you will have to cause a synchronization to fail. In lieu of that task, test the message in the Global On-Demand Synchronization On Success task text box and then paste the identical command into the On Failure text box under Synchronization Tasks in the Synchronization Recurrence Frequency window described above.