This table summarizes potential ODBC State informational messages that can be returned by the CONNX DB2 Module.
ODBC State |
Message Text |
00000 |
Success |
01000 |
General warning |
01002 |
Disconnect error |
01003 |
NULL value eliminated in set function |
01004 |
String data, right truncated |
01S07 |
Fractional truncation |
07005 |
Prepared statement not a cursor-specification |
07006 |
Restricted data type attribute violation |
08001 |
Client unable to establish connection |
08002 |
Connection name in use |
08003 |
Connection does not exist |
08004 |
Server rejected the connection |
08007 |
Connection failure during transaction |
08S01 |
Communication link failure |
22001 |
String data, right truncated |
22002 |
Indicator variable required but not supplied |
22003 |
Numeric value out of range |
22007 |
Invalid datetime format |
22008 |
Datetime field overflow |
22012 |
Division by zero |
22018 |
Invalid character value for cast specification |
22019 |
Invalid escape character |
22025 |
Invalid escape sequence |
22026 |
String data, length mismatch |
23000 |
Integrity constraint violation |
24000 |
Invalid cursor state |
25000 |
Invalid transaction state |
25S03 |
Transaction is rolled back |
28000 |
Invalid authorization specification |
34000 |
Invalid cursor name |
40001 |
Serialization failure |
40003 |
Statement completion unknown |
42000 |
Syntax error or access violation |
42S11 |
Index already exists |
42S12 |
Index not found |
44000 |
HY000 |
General error |
HY008 |
Operation canceled |
HY090 |
Invalid string or buffer length |
HY093 |
Invalid parameter number |