ODBC Driver Definition

On a Windows platform, the CONNX ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver is a dynamic-link library administered by the Microsoft ODBC data source administrator. On a non-Windows platform (Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, etc.), the CONNX ODBC Driver is implemented as a shared library, and can be administered by any ODBC-compliant driver manager. Applications can access data located in a remote systems through the ODBC driver. The CONNX driver processes the ODBC function calls, submits requests to the appropriate data source, and then returns the results.

Coupled with the CONNX Data Dictionary, the ODBC driver provides a means of using many popular off-the-shelf querying tools and application development tools. The driver works with ODBC-compliant software, which increases its flexibility when used by companies with a range of front-end applications.

The ODBC interface enables applications to access data in database management systems using Structured Query Language (SQL) as a standard. (SQL is a widely accepted industry standard for defining data, manipulating data, data management, access protection, and transaction control. SQL uses tables, indexes, keys, rows, and columns to define storage locations.)