Catalog Support Defined

CONNX now fully supports three-part table names: catalogs, schemas, and objects.

The following mappings are automatically returned:

  • Catalog name = logical database name

  • Schema name = CONNX owner name (currently "dbo" for database, CONNXDB for views)

  • Object name = table name (or view name)

Objects can be referenced using the fully qualified ANSI SQL catalog.schema.object syntax. You can also use a single object name, if there is no ambiguity.




SELECT * FROM rms.dbo.customer


Use of the schema name is optional, or you may substitute two periods for the schema name.




SELECT * FROM rms..customer


Important: Microsoft Access supports two-part table names that include only the schema and object name. See More Access Tips for more information regarding the use of two-part table names in Microsoft Access.


Important: For an existing CDD, you must select Enable CONNX Database Catalog Support on the Tools/Options menu to take advantage of catalog support. For new CDDs, the feature is enabled by default.