Stopping Event Replication

Stopping event replication includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Stopping the target database from receiving replications


Stop event replication if:

  • You wish to bring the server down to do any target database or server maintenance and bring the server right back up.

  • You wish to save all the replications generated by the source database without performing an initial state.


After stopping event replication you will be able to:

  • Perform maintenance on the target database

  • Restarting event replication


To temporarily stop the Event Replicator without removing the deployed replications or losing any data that will be copied to the target tables, stop the target servers.

Stop the target servers before you do any target database or server maintenance.


Note: Stop Targets does not stop individual servers. All target servers listed in the Server Status tab will be stopped.


Note: Stop Targets does not stop source or replication servers.

  • To stop source servers, go to the Microsoft Management Console and stop the CONNX Replication Listener service.

  • To stop the replication server, go to the Microsoft Management Console and stop the CONNX Replication Controller service.


  1. Open the InstantdbSync Replication Administrator.

  1. Click the Server Status tab.  




  1. Click Stop Targets. While the target servers are being stopped, the following displays:




  1. When the target servers have been stopped, the Consumer(s) and Replications will be in an Offline status:

