Clearing Target Column Mapping

Clearing target column mappings includes:

  • Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD)

  • Clearing the source columns


Clear the target column mappings if:

  • The default source column mappings are incorrect


After you clear the column mappings you will be able to:

  • Select the correct source columns to map to the target columns

  • Deploy the replication (which will start replicating data from source database to target database)


If you wish to change most of the target column mapping, you may find it easier to start with blank Source column names. The column names will still appear in the drop-down list.


  1. Open the Open Systems Event Replicator CDD.

  1. Select a Target Table to modify. Click Map Columns. The Map Columns window for an existing target table appears.



  1. Under Populate columns, click Target Column.

  2. Click Clear Source. The Source Column names are blanked out.
