Installing CONNX components on the target IMS system

  1. Select a computer on which the CONNX Administrator component is installed. Click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX Server Setup. The CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box appears.


  2. Select the OS/390 / z/OS tab in the CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box. Select the IMS option in the Product area. Select the Started Task option in the Server Type area.

  3. In the Login Information area, type the TCP/IP symbolic host name or dotted numeric address for your OS/390 / z/OS server  in the Server  text box, a TSO user ID in the User ID text box and its password in the Password text boxes.

  1. In the CONNX Server Data Set area, enter the data set name of the CONNX server component location (where CONNX for IMS will be installed on the mainframe) in the CONNX DSN HQL text box, its VOLSER in the VOLSER text box,  and its DASD device type in the UNIT text box. If SMS is installed on the CONNX server system, select the SMS check box.

  2. In the Load Library Parameters area, enter the dataset name of the link step output files in the Load Library DSN  text box, its VOLSER in the VOLSER text box,  and its DASD device type in the UNIT text box.

    Enter the dataset name of the IMS High Level Qualifier in the IMS HQL text box and the dataset name of the library where you will find the IMS Library Integrity Utilities for z/OS in the IMS Utility Location text box.  Note: The use of these utilities allows CONNX to automatically import IMS metadata by reading the content of the IMS PSBs and DBDs.  If these utilities are not present on the system, leave this field blank.  In this case, you will need to provide an index text specification file along with a COBOL copybook in order to import metadata into the CDD.  Please see the CONNX User Guide for more information on importing IMS metadata into a CDD.

NOTE: The Load Library DSN name is automatically generated when you enter the data set name of the CONNX server component location in the CONNX Server Data Set area.

  1. In the TCP/IP area, enter the dataset name of the TCP/IP stack in the HLQ text box and the TCP/IP library name in the Library text box.

  2. In the IMS Interface area, select the interface you are using to access IMS.

  3. Click the Install button. This action starts an FTP session to copy the selected components from the client PC to the target host. It may take several minutes for the file transfer process to complete.

  4. Click Close.