To install the Adabas SQL Gateway - VSE components

Before attempting to install the Adabas SQL Gateway for VSE, create a Software AG CICS High Performance Stub Routine. For information on how to create this routine, see page 75 in the Software AG "Adabas Installation Manual (VSE/ESA)".

  1. Select a computer on which the CONNX Server Installation component is installed. Click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX Server Setup.  The CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box appears. Select the VSE tab.


  2. In the CONNX Server Library area, enter the fully qualified VSE cluster name which contains the CONNX VVRR Adabas SQL Gateway library in CONNX Library DSN and its VOLSER in the VOLSER text box. Enter the CONNX Adabas SQL Gateway library name defined in the CONNX library cluster in CONNX Library Label, the data set name of the VSE user catalog where the CONNX Adabas SQL Gateway sample files and managed library are defined in Catalog DSN, and the system data label which references the physical data set name of the Adabas SQL Gateway User Catalog in Catalog Label.

Note: If CONNX Library Label is blank, the library name defaults to CNXWRR. If  Catalog DSN is blank, CONNX  files are defined in the default VSE system catalog. If Catalog Label is blank, the data label defaults to IJSYSCT.

  1. In the Login Information area, type the TCP/IP symbolic host name or dotted numeric address for your VSE server  in the Server  text box, a privileged user account name in the User ID text box and its password in the Password text boxes. Under Product, click VSAM and under Server Type, click CICS.

  1. In the TCP/IP Stack area, if you are using the Barnard TCP/IP stack rather than CSI, select the Barnard radio button. For Mode, select either Active or Passive FTP mode.  Unless your system is not configured to support Passive mode FTP, you should select Passive.  If the FTP transfer fails for any reason other than the user id or password was entered incorrectly, switch modes and try again.

    Enter the TCP/IP stack location in TCP/IP HLQ.

Caution: To enable the environment variable for the Barnard TCP/IP stack, set CNXBARNARD to 1 in the CONNX Configuration Utility.

  1. In the CICS Parameters area, see the table in Required and Optional Entry Fields for VSAM TCP/IP Server Setup for a detailed explanation of the information required in Target RDO File and Adabas Link Stub Lib.

  2. In the VSAM Samples Group area, if you clear the Create check box,CONNX will not create the CONNX VSAM sample KSDS, RRDS, and ESDS data sets. If the Create check box is selected, the CONNX VSAM sample KSDS, RRDS, and ESDS data sets and the VSAM clusters described in VSAM Objects for CONNX.CICS.SAMPLES are created,  defined to the target CICS region, and given the data set prefix specified in Database HLQ.

Note: The detault dataset prefix for Database HLQ is CONNX.SAMPLES.

  1. Click the Install button. This action starts an FTP session and copies the CONNX components from the client PC to the target host. A message confirming that the FTP session has started appears in the status bar..

  2. Allow several minutes for the file transfer process to complete.

  3. Click the Close button. The CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box closes.